"the biggest issue that nobody's talking about"

According to Those Who Know Better (like CNN's Jack Cafferty) the closeness of the race means that race is the biggest issue in the election:

Race is arguably the biggest issue in this election, and it's one that nobody's talking about.

The differences between Barack Obama and John McCain couldn't be more well-defined. Obama wants to change Washington. McCain is a part of Washington and a part of the Bush legacy. Yet the polls remain close. Doesn't make sense...unless it's race.

Oh, no. The fact that the man is a socialist -- and the most left wing candidate in US history -- has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Time magazine's Michael Grunwald says race is the elephant in the room. He says Barack Obama needs to tread lightly as he fights back against the McCain-Palin campaign attacks.

He writes, "Over the past 18 months, Obama has been attacked as a naive novice, an empty suit, a tax-and-spend liberal, an arugula-grazing elitist and a corrupt ward heeler, but the only attacks that clearly stung him involved the Rev. Jeremiah Wright - attacks that portrayed him as an angry black man under the influence of an even angrier black man."

The angry black man, he goes on to say, doesn't have broad appeal in White America. And even though the makeup of our population is changing, whites are still the majority in this country. How ironic that the giant step forward of nominating an African American for president may ultimately keep us mired in the past.

I could say defensively that I don't think Obama is "angry" and don't care, but it's beneath my dignity. This whole line of attack is simply another example of people who will not allow other people the simple human dignity of being allowed to think what they think.


posted by Eric on 09.18.08 at 12:41 AM


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He doesn't bother to say why an Angry Black Man should have appeal to whites. Apparently, as long as the subject isn't white such character flaws must be ignored in the name of taking a "giant step forward", whatever that might mean.

Bob Smith   ·  September 18, 2008 01:12 AM

Being Tarred (used delibertly)as Racist because I won't vote for BO really does upset me. I don't like his policies, his answers, his unanswered questions about his relationships.
Funny how only the Dems bring it up.

LYNNDH   ·  September 18, 2008 01:47 AM

Why is it that all we've heard about race has come from Obama and his fans? How is that the Republicans can make the topic dominate the issue without even bringing it up?

Rove, you magnificent bastard!

Steve Skubinna   ·  September 18, 2008 02:28 AM

"There has been no Northern Liberal elected to the Presidency in 50 years."

Frankly I think that by playing the white guilt gambit for the last 50 also dilutes its effect.

It is less racism and more just damn annoyance at being lectured all the time by people who live in gated communities, who send there kids to private schools, and snear at people who don't have graduate degrees.

toad   ·  September 18, 2008 02:40 AM

The Left is waging war on America and throwing sand in the machinery of freedom at every opportunity. When people complain that America isn't united as it was during WWII that's because that was the last war in which Democrats rooted for our side. The Left agitates against America and then uses evidence of division as proof they are victims of conservatives.

Scott M   ·  September 18, 2008 04:51 AM

Not talking about it? Please.

notaclue   ·  September 18, 2008 10:19 AM

Does that mean that the leftists who are sliming Sarah Palin aren't doing it because they disagree with her or don't like the choices she's made, but because they are really sexists?
Identity politics - twisting even the most rigid into contortionists.

Wright   ·  September 18, 2008 11:59 AM

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