And where were you in 1986?

A friend emailed me a link to a typical gossip column, um, "analysis":

While Levi Johnston (pictured below) admits he's "in a relationship" on his personal MySpace page, the teen hockey player made the candid statement that he does not exactly wanna be a parent, proclaiming, "I don't want kids."

Way to set the record straight, Levi!

And of course, muck-raking about Todd Palin's 1986 arrest for DUI:
It's been quite the week for the Palin family, with the nomination, then rumors that Bristol Palin was the real mother of Sarah's son Trig Palin, then Todd Palin's old DUI arrest, then the revelation that Levi Johnston knocked up Bristol.

All we can do is wonder: What's next?!

What's next may be the realization that Republicans are people too.

I don't think any of this will prove especially fruitful. The father of the future baby of the daughter of the vice presidential nominee said he didn't want kids? Todd Palin was arrested for DUI in 1986?

Will anyone care?

Neither the baby's father nor Todd Palin are on the November ballot. Obama's mother was pregnant at 17. McCain's wife had a drug problem at some point, and so did Obama (at some point).

And so what?

Whoever was first to be stoned, let him cast away.

MORE: Andrea Tantaros thinks the bizarre attacks on Palin's family are evidence of panic:

Liberals like to pretend they are tolerant and accepting of those who are different but when it comes to anyone not ensconced in their progressive, elitist dogma they mock and attack their lifestyle to inspire hate. But because governor Palin is endearing, authentic-and with this latest revelation-easy to identify with, she invokes panic in the left. Why else would they assail a very popular, promising lady and her children?

The key question here is: what is the extreme left trying to prove? How does this make Sarah Palin unfit to serve? And how exactly will this story look bad to voters? A mother stands behind her child. I can think of worse stories than "Palins Come Together to Support Teen Daughter." This is America. This is life. And this is private.

posted by Eric on 09.02.08 at 10:47 PM


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"Whoever was the first to be stoned, let them cast away."

I love my country, and I take my politics pretty seriously. But with this election cycle, I would prefer to be pleasantly stoned and out on some damn lake casting a fishing line without a hook.

"And where were YOU in 1986?"

This isn't a rhetorical question, therefore I feel no great need to answer in any other way besides, "Fine thanks, and you?"

Anonymous   ·  September 3, 2008 01:02 AM

as I understand it, Levi's MySpace hadn't been updated for a the last postings would be early on in his relationship with Bristol. And what 17 year old male is going to say "I want kids" on a social site???

What's next? How about the breathless report that the Palins removed the "do not remove" tag from their mattress!

I have nothing but a growing contempt for the Dem. party and Obama. I just opposed him for his policies before. Now I'm really angry with him.

Darleen   ·  September 3, 2008 01:39 AM

The obviously panicked left and MSM (but I repeat myself) are in for a serious blowback on this. All the American public has to see is the contrast between the two US magazine covers of the Vapid One and Sarahcuda and they will know they're being taken for a ride. Or worse, being played for fools. We're not as dumb as they think we are.

BackwardsBoy   ·  September 3, 2008 11:14 AM

I asked the 1986 question, though I used 1984 - the beauty queen year - as my comparison for what everyone else in this election was doing. I also redid the question in terms of what each was doing at age 20.

Yes, I'm whoring for hits at my own site. Come on over.

Sarah Barracuda comes off pretty well in this comparison, in case you hadn't guessed.

Assistant Village Idiot   ·  September 3, 2008 02:16 PM

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