Some children are born sinful. Others are born normal.

Reflecting on the discovery that a Tennessee Democratic legislator's son was the hacker who accessed Sarah Palin's email account (see Rick Moran's post on the general subject), Richard Miniter makes a prediction:

I predict that the same crowd that said that Palin should have been able to control her 17-year old daughter will defend the 2o-year old hacker by saying no one can control their kids. At least they will be right once.
I agree with the prediction, but at the rate the story is being reported, the Obama supporters won't even need to put themselves to the trouble of defending the kid. There's a lot more detail at Gateway Pundit, and it's a big story.

At least, most people would think so. If they had a chance to read about it. But as Michael Silence notes, maybe they won't:

I find nothing on the story in the New York Times or the Washington Post. Oh, that's right, it wasn't Joe Biden's e-mail that was hacked. Seriously, unless my search was incomplete, how do you not carry something on that story?
The Times and the Post aside, though, I don't even know whether the story will get tabloid treatment.

The tabloids are too busy titillating their viewers with stories like these:


What this means, obviously, is that Biden's kids must be perfect angels. Well, even perfect angels occasionally get arrested, but isn't that just a technicality raised by mean-spirited Republicans to hide their hypocrisy?

Yes, hypocrisy. We all know that the rule that "no one can control their kids," only applies to Democrats. And the Republicans are hypocritical to maintain otherwise.

Republicans have long been held to a much higher standard, and therefore, so should their children! How hypocritical of them to demand that their kids be treated the same way as the kids of Democrats!

Misbehaving Republican children are sinful and their parents are hypocrites. Misbehaving Democratic children are normal and their parents are blameless.

It's, like, genetic or something.

Why, they even have a bumpersticker to go with the thought:


Republicans are mean people and they have mean children.

Only a right wing hypocrite with bad genes could possibly disagree.

posted by Eric on 09.19.08 at 01:51 PM


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I don't buy it for one major reason -- the "son" who supposedly has all the drug problems is in the Army. If you can't pass a drug test, you don't get into the Army. Period.

Lying on one thing means it is probably all lies.

Phelps   ·  September 19, 2008 02:17 PM

Buy it? I treated it as tabloid sleaze and didn't consider whether it was true or not. Not that a little thing like truth ever mattered to the left....

Eric Scheie   ·  September 19, 2008 02:47 PM

I buy it. Kirsten Dunst's booze binge, Angelina's screaming match with Brad's mom, Justin's delayed nuptuals. They're right about all these important things, why wouldn't they be right about this other stuff?

tim maguire   ·  September 19, 2008 05:16 PM

Phelps is right. You better be clean when you show up at basic training.

I'm reminded how Churchill used to supplement his meager MP pay by successfully suing papers for libel on a regular basis.

Bram   ·  September 19, 2008 10:58 PM

But it's still so hard to tell who are the goodies and who the baddies.

Maybe the baddies can be made to wear pointy hats or Snidely Wiplash outfits or something.

bruce   ·  September 20, 2008 06:28 AM

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