I Have A Friend

posted by Simon on 09.07.08 at 04:26 AM


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Typical Republican racism and negativity!

Gringo   ·  September 7, 2008 01:49 PM

If it is true how is it racism?

Did Obama boost this guy? Yes.

Is he guilty as charged? Yes.


M. Simon   ·  September 7, 2008 05:56 PM

Comments sections are apparently not good places to use sarcasm.

Gringo   ·  September 7, 2008 06:51 PM

It may be true as you stated, Simon, surely not on the same par as your usual talking points. Obama's connection with his minister, Rev.Wright and ex-anarchist, Bill Ayers, continue to be concerning for many of us, so I hate to see those REAL relationships watered down by adding this flimsy political photo op into the mix. Personally, I knew very little about Detroit's mayor until he went and got himself plastered all over the internet for his recent charges and now convictions. It was my understanding that many considered him to be a "rising star", so no surprise that Obama or any other democratic politician visiting Detroit would be caught on tape talking positively about this guy.

I come to Classical Values for meat, or a nice salad or even a saucy tofu. I don't come for yet another example of the six degrees of Kevin Bacon. (BACON!)

If you want to do good work, and keep with the theme of Classical Values...how about someone looking into this... "Rising Star Syndrome"? We have two, beautifully lit, "rising stars" at either end of our dinner table, and it's safe to say that those of us sitting on either end of this table are taking advantage of just how good we look in that Obama/Palin "GLOW".

And all this, while Kwame Kilpatrick's light burned out in Detroit this week. Not a "rising star" after all.

Penny   ·  September 7, 2008 10:39 PM


You don't get it. Obama has lots of ties to crooked political machines.

This is just another. Just another piece of the pattern.

M. Simon   ·  September 8, 2008 09:42 AM

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