Bewitching symbolic resemblances just burn me up!

One of my most frequent complaints involves the tendency ((of activists, usually) to blame people who did not do something for the actions -- often criminal in nature -- of people who did. The blame game usually takes the form of a communitarian political argument. A favorite target of left wing political activists is Rush Limbaugh, and while I've complained about that before (and defended him even though I'm no Rush fan), if a story I saw today is any indication, law enforcement officials at the highest levels are now thinking like left wing activists. I think that's a dangerous development, because they have real power.

Experts who track hate groups across the U.S. are growing increasingly concerned over violent rhetoric targeted at President Obama, especially as the debate over health care intensifies and a pattern of threats emerges.


"It's certainly a scary time," said former FBI agent Brad Garrett, now an ABC News consultant. Garrett said the Secret Service "cannot afford to pass on anyone," and he believes "they really do fear that something could happen to [Obama]."

Garrett said statements like one recently made by controversial radio host Rush Limbaugh comparing a logo for the White House plan to a Nazi symbol "legitimizes people who are on the edge to go do something or say something."

"And if you go and take a look at this, you will find that the Obama health care logo is damn close to a Nazi swastika logo," Limbaugh said.

Later, someone painted a swastika outside the office of Congressman David Scott of Georgia, one of Obama's supporters.

Wait a second. How does anything Rush Limbaugh says "legitimize" anything or anyone, much less "people are on the edge"? If you listen to him (which I do occcasionally), you can either agree or disagree with what he says, but his words don't legitimize a damned thing.

In the case of the logo, I listened to a recording of what Limbaugh said, and he was talking about this logo:


And his argument is that it generally resembles this:


The resemblance is very superficial, for the double eagle wings are quite obviously lifted from the medical caduceus, and really don't look like the Nazi eagle wings.


He'd have a better case suggesting that the NSA logo --


-- resembles this Nazi logo:


Or that the Obamacare logo is shaped too much like the United States Marine Corps logo:


But it's just my opinion that Limbaugh is wrong with his comparison. Others may disagree and see creeping Nazi symbology surreptitiously being insinuated into national health care.

My question is, how on earth does this "legitimize people who are on the edge to go do something or say something"?

Can anyone tell me what I am missing? If we assume there are nutjobs out there listening to Rush Limbaugh, how can he be responsible for how they might feel? Such people are by their nature unpredictable and irrational. Anything might in theory make them feel legitimized -- including even the voicing of a disagreement with someone they didn't like. For example, if some deluded maniac believes that all witches should be burned at the stake, and Rush Limbaugh calls Hillary Clinton a witch, is it Limbaugh's fault if the nutjob sees it as his duty to go find Hillary and attempt to lead her to the stake?

I don't think so -- any more than it would be the fault of the left-wing Mother Jones magazine if the same nutjob felt that his views were "legitimized" by this:



Isn't it high time to end these cycles of witchcraft?

MORE: I should add that if the above logo is in fact intended to be the logo of the proposed national health care system, I am appalled by the idea, because it is obviously derived from the Obama campaign logo, and it's use by a government agency would constitute political advocacy at taxpayers' expense.

So if it is to be the logo, that's another reason to oppose Obamacare.

posted by Eric on 08.14.09 at 12:08 PM


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So now the left wingnuts feel justified and obligated to take out Rush??

Hugh   ·  August 14, 2009 12:34 PM

That story is kind of scary, but....

Check it out, you don't get any quotes from current law enforcement. Yes, they're investigating the guy in MD who obviously needs to be investigated. Then, they conflate in the guy in LA who said he was going to blow up the White House (someone get him a subscription to I'm gonna assume he's pretty crazy and any superficial relationship to any political ideology is far outstripped by his fear of space-based mind-control rays (hmmmm, now that I think about it, maybe he's a Kucinich Dem?)

Then, they have an ex-FBI and current ABC staffer give a quote (hmmm, Minitru quoting itself? Is that good media ethics? checking AP style guide, ummmm, no.)

And check out their who their "experts" are when they get around to naming any
Potok, director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center

Seriously, check them out. They always find right wing extremists and they always invoke Ruby Ridge, Waco and Tim McVeigh.

This is worrisome as the media is trying to push their narrative that I'm a terrorist but Osama bin Laden isn't.

To quote that eminent philosopher but crappy bird-chaser, Sylvester, "That'th dethpicable."

Hopefully, the fine law enforcement people in the gov't take their vows seriously and don't allow the Chicago Machine to make dissent illegal.

Veeshir   ·  August 14, 2009 12:40 PM

Eric -

This whole thing started with Nancy Pelosi lying and claiming that people were bringing swastikas to town hall meetings. Her obvious implication is that those who are against "reform" are Nazis.

Rush threw it back in her face, and she doesn't like it.

But she's so stupid that she and the rest of the clowns in DC have doubled down on it.

brian   ·  August 14, 2009 12:43 PM

Brian is right. Rush is just jerking their chains to make them yap.

Bob Sykes   ·  August 14, 2009 01:35 PM

The Confederate Yankee did much more research than I was willing to do. (plus, I figured you would like that particular oxymoron)

Seriously, read all the stories about this, they all go back to Mark Potok at the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Veeshir   ·  August 14, 2009 04:00 PM

Thanks Veeshir.

Unfortunately, it's worse than you might think. The SPLC is being used as a Homeland Security source:


Last week, ALG News reported a startling update in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) “rightwing extremism” threat assessment controversy after receiving an interim response from the department to Americans for Limited Government’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

Instead of being sourced to hard intelligence and data, DHS based its findings of a “resurgence” of “rightwing extremism” upon outside sources, including the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the Anti-Defamation League, one conspiracy website, and a few news accounts of hate groups and incidences of violence.


I checked out the links, and the above seems to be true. Much as I'd like to think that the SPLC isn't a government source, and that this is just "the media trying to push their narrative," it appears more likely that the narrative is becoming official.

Eric Scheie   ·  August 17, 2009 10:31 AM

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