Schwarzenegger for President!

I had to say that.

Especially in light of the story headlined "Schwarzenegger Finally Learns: Freedom Is Profitable, Statism Starves" that Glenn Reynolds linked earlier detailing how the governor is "aggressively pursuing a way to open a portion of California waters to offshore drilling."

What's up with Arnold Schwarzenegger? Can it be that he is trying to mollify the right wing GOP "base" in contemplation of a run for the presidency?

To those who would laugh at this suggestion and point out the fact that Arnie wasn't born here and is thus ineligible to run, I would point out that that (via a link M. Simon sent me) the left is saying otherwise:

Let's imagine that Barack Obama had been born in Indonesia or Kenya or anywhere else for that matter, and hadn't become a citizen until moving to Hawaii to live with his grandparents. Is there one good reason why that would make him less fit to be president?

Put another way, is there one good reason why foreign-born governors Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jennifer Granholm can't legally run for president but Mark Sanford and Sarah Palin can?

Naturalized citizens like Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Madeline Albright have been allowed into the highest positions in the U.S. national security establishment without anyone questioning their loyalty. Why shouldn't voters be allowed to decide whether a foreign-born candidate is American enough to be president? New York voters didn't mind the fact that Hillary Clinton had never lived in the state before running for its senate seat.

I say, it's time for the Republicans to get tough.

Two can play at this non-citizenship game!

And why make it easy for the Democrats? I mean, if it's as easy to get a Hawaiian birth certificate as the Birthers say it is, what's to stop Arnie from just flying to Honolulu and getting one, and while he's at it, planting a back-dated birth notice in the local paper?

I wish Arnie had more of a sense of humor, though. Because if he did, he could market himself as a multiculturalist dream.

"You guys say you want a foreign born president, but you're only pretending!" he could say. "Despite all the claims, Barack Obama has still not proved that he was born in Kenya, or anywhere other than Hawaii. I was not only born in Austria, I can prove it!"

Easy for me to say. But if he did that, some leftist crackpots would probably say he's lying, and that he was secretly born in the USA.

posted by Eric on 08.05.09 at 07:28 PM


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Once you stop laughing and you get beyond the citizenship problem [not hard, because both the rule of law and the Constitution seem to be in abeyance since 20 January] there is another difficulty with Arnold Schwarzenegger running for president. One has to wonder for which party he would be the candidate.

While for California he is considered to be an arch-conservative; in the real world inhabited by the party base he is a California liberal. After McCain, I don't think that the base would stand for having another "good loser" who supports Democrats being forced on them as a nominee.

For the institutional leadership of the Republican party, he would be unacceptable because he actually made an attempt to stand up to the Democrats there. He would get points with them for having lost and collaborating with them up until the financial collapse; but the act of seriously trying to oppose Democrats on policy in the first place would be a deal breaker with them. His attempts to act something like a Republican after the collapse would fail to convince either the base or the Institutional leadership of his merits, and more likely annoy the leadership. His trip to genuflect at Obama's throne in search of a bailout in lieu of reasonable budget, will further annoy the base.

'Taint gonna happen.

Subotai Bahadur

Subotai Bahadur   ·  August 6, 2009 01:28 AM

Schwarzeneggar has managed to do what I thought no one could ever do again, which is govern the ungovernable state of CA with the Disneyland Welfare Entitlement mentality and irreconcilable demands of its electorate.

This man has my unlimited respect for agreeing to remain as governor and come up with a workable solution for the state's financial predicament.

After all, this guy could have done what Sarah Palin did, which was just walk away from it all. After all, he doesn't need the job. Could you imagine HER dealing with California's issues? But Schwarzenneger has hung on, completely dedicated to finishing the job he assumed as governor. I don't think anyone else could have managed the situation half as well.

My dream presidential ticket would be any of these:

Schwarzenneger& Ron Paul
Schwarzenneger & Roscoe Bartlett- a Maryland Republican who is one of a handful of peak-oil-aware politicians who is pro-nuclear
Ron Paul &Roscoe Bartlett

Laura Louzader   ·  August 6, 2009 07:29 AM

Careful now....Don't bite your tongue off.

kzgoblu   ·  August 6, 2009 10:16 AM

I can't! I already swallowed it!

Eric Scheie   ·  August 6, 2009 03:10 PM

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