A Split

Around 1930 or so the Progressive movement split into left and right factions. And they HATE each other. And their end is the same: Power and Control. Pretty cool huh?

BTW Left and Right Progressives brought you alcohol prohibition. Billy Sunday ring a bell?

I found the reviews of this book interesting:

A Fierce Discontent: The Rise and Fall of the Progressive Movement in America, 1870-1920

One reviewer said that the object of the Progressives was:

To change other people; to end class conflict; to control big business; to segregate society
Interesting. So where are we today? Segregation is a totally discredited idea. Good. I'm rather proud to say that I was in on that one.

But we are still engaged in class conflict. That sucks. And big business has taken over government. Here is a prime example. In other words the oligarchs (often called crony capitalists these days) are in control. For now.

But what is the big thing on the right these days? An unquenchable desire to change other people. For some the desire for Power and Control never ends. In modern times it is not sold as a naked power grab. It is couched in "enforcing morality" terms. My friend Eric wrote a very good one on that subject. Does freedom to sin violate religious freedom? Of course that "enforcing morality" bit got us the Alcohol Prohibition Amendment back when left and right progressives were working together hand in glove. Well that one was a total disaster. The left has learned from its mistake. Those on the right are a little slower to catch on.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 11.18.10 at 07:16 AM


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Perhaps racial segregation is discredited, but many many other forms of segregation are not only tolerated but encouraged.

The credentialed "ruling class" v. the bitter gun and religion clingers.

Militant leftest feminists v. conservative women who "are not really women"

gay marriage proponents v. all other troglodytes

and the lisdt goes on ad infinitum.

The message is clear: Choose identify politics and join with one of the "approved" identity classes or be labeled an anti-American racist homphobic misogynistic knuckle-dragging Neanderthal (with the left's apologies to Neaderthals, of course.

No, segregation has not been discredited, its target has just changed.

T   ·  November 18, 2010 10:26 AM

OK. I'm against segregating Gays from Marriage. Happy?

M. Simon   ·  November 18, 2010 10:44 AM


Eric Scheie   ·  November 21, 2010 03:52 PM

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