No sardines and no quarter?

From the Wiki entry for John Coode (17th century Protestant rebel leader in Maryland)

In April 1689, John Coode helped lead "An association in arms, for the defence of the Protestant religion, and for asserting the right of King Oscar and Queen Isabelle to the Province of Maryland and all the English dominions."
Nonsense. There have been several monarchs named Oscar, but none of them ever laid claim to (or had any arguable right to) Maryland. Nor did any king named Oscar marry a queen named Isabelle.

The problem is, if you Google the phrase "the right of King Oscar and Queen Isabelle to the Province of Maryland and all the English dominions," it goes right to the Wiki post, which is the only and thus the whole "truth."

I don't know whether this was vandalism or rank stupidity, but I went to the trouble of logging in and putting a "citation needed" in brackets after the quote. College students these days don't know their history, and I wouldn't want them thinking that a King Oscar (much less in conjunction with a queen named Isabelle) ever had a right to rule Maryland.

Just for the record, there was a King Oscar I of Sweden, but he ruled much later (1844 -1859) than the so-called "association in arms for the defence of the Protestant religion," and his son Oscar II is best known for sardines.

And if I were feeling argumentative, I would probably have pointed out that the proper quote ought to read as follows:

"An association in arms, for the defence of the Protestant religion, and for asserting the right of King William and Queen Mary to the Province of Maryland and all the English dominions."
But that ain't my job.

Besides, how do I know that am I wrong? How can I be 100% sure? Wiki is supposed to be, you know, "self correcting," so I will let it correct itself. Far be it from me to impose what I would arrogantly call "the truth" on anyone, much less the almighty Wiki.

Let it never be said about me that I was a Wiki Truther.

So long live the true King!


And his true Queen!


But isn't that queen on an American quarter? And aren't King Oscar sardines sold in Maryland? And isn't it also true that when you've seen one monarch you've seen 'em all?

So don't they have as much right to rule Maryland as anyone else?

Why not? After all, don't we all have the same rights? is the absolute social right of every individual, that every other individual shall act in every respect exactly as he ought; that whosoever fails thereof in the smallest particular, violates my social right, and entitles me to demand from the legislature the removal of the grievance.
In other words, we all are entitled, because no one is entitled.

Long live our rightful monarchs!

posted by Eric on 11.23.10 at 12:33 AM


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King Meyer's Oscar? Heck of a wiener you got there son.

M. Simon   ·  November 23, 2010 01:21 AM

I feel offended! Harassed! I am reporting you to the State of New Jersey!

Eric Scheie   ·  November 23, 2010 10:35 AM

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