Communication is communicable!

Speaking of making unfair associations, it has come to my attention that Facebook is associated with a rise in syphilis. No really:

Professor Peter Kelly, director of public health in Teesside, claimed staff had found a link between social networking sites and the spread of the bacteria, especially among young women.

He said: "Syphilis is a devastating disease. Anyone who has unprotected sex with casual partners is at high risk.

"There has been a fourfold increase in the number of syphilis cases detected with more young women being affected.

"I don't get the names of people affected, just figures, and I saw that several of the people had met sexual partners through these sites.

"Social networking sites are making it easier for people to meet up for casual sex."

The professor also said, "I saw that several of the people had met sexual partners through these sites," which, he claims, "are making it easier for people to meet up for casual sex." You know what? I bet that back in the 1920s, an association could have been made between venereal disease and those new-fangled horseless carriages! And by cracky, I'll bet that an association could also have been made between the telephone and VD! After all, in order to spread communicable diseases, people have to communicate, don't they?

Coming soon. Irrefutable proof linking Facebook to racism!

Hey, isn't it high time we applied the standard that's applied to the Tea Parties to Facebook?

posted by Eric on 03.26.10 at 03:34 PM


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My Space is the site for sex networking.

M. Simon   ·  March 26, 2010 06:08 PM

I thought it was Craig's List.

Veeshir   ·  March 26, 2010 06:31 PM

People will look for sex wherever they can, that is the nature of those with promiscuous compulsions.

I didn't need the net to have had too many partners for reasonable sanitary address, though I have had sexual partners I've met over the net.

I've made a great many friends, who I am sexually attracted to, and who that attraction has lead to more significant direct interaction.

Though I've had a fair few years of rather numerous promiscuity (not a brag, just fortun) and those that I had shared that are now friends of the opposite gender with a more personal direct history between us. That is perfectly fine in my opinion.

Though somehow, through a freak of instance, I met the love of my life by playing a game. We met at fools feeling guilty being uberdorks who meet eachother after yapping on the net, but that doesn't change the fact.

She is the love of my life.

I was fortunate by birth for being tall fit and slim, and later I was fortunate for being a Marine and looking pretty in the uniform (which I call "tailored sex," I was also fortunate that I randomly found a woman that I love.

Some people have personality disorders that drives them to being a horndog or skank, but sometimes really it's just a chance to meet interesting people and no matter the method of initial interaction, how things end up being, is purely up to the two (or more) individuals involved. Somehow someone born lucky and who chose a job that makes me more lucky (in that way) found the woman that he loved most and longest through a random series of coincidence.

I wasn't looking for it, but does "looking for it" make it anyworse than when it just happens upon you?

These are arrogant pricks incapable of understanding the basic intellectual and emotional desire of individuals who happen upon someone who is able to fill those desires satisfactorily if not supremely.

Should I have had my family arrange a marriage for me? would that have been better? I hear that in islam there are NO! random hookups, and NO internet dating services for individuals (maybe their father, and the horde that will cut of the girls head, unless the girls profile was written by her father (depending on country)) so what is better?

I know a number of people who have "hooked up" while using the net, and I also know a number of people who have found love.

Communication no matter how silly it starts, and the establishment of opportunity is a good thing.

I bet the jerk who downs social networking likely knew someone who knew someone who was able to get him his job.

Well, over the net, A doofus like me is allowed to know a whole lot of someones who know other somones who can do a lot of things for, one of them, is to randomly link me to a woman I care about.

I see no fault in that, because I would have been promiscuous (and was, in fact more so) without the internet

Douglas   ·  March 27, 2010 02:36 AM

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