In fake wars, winning and losing are the same strategy

As M. Simon made clear in his post about a recycled story, things are going worse than we thought in the Drug War (rapidly approaching its centennial).

The drug war is touted as one war worth fighting. Does anyone still believe that any more? And what is the lead in every single article? It is worse than we thought. Worse than ever before. Of course we get the same drivel in climate war news. It is always worse than we thought.
But according to the warrior elites, when things are worse than we thought, that means we must redouble our efforts!

But when things are better than we thought, that also means we must redouble our efforts!

The implied threat is that we will lose. Either because we are losing because we didn't fight hard enough, or because we stand to lose what we have already fought to win!

All bases are covered. Americans don't want to lose wars. Attaching the word "war" to a social problem is the best way to ensure that government solutions will never go away.

Why do people fall for it so easily?

posted by Eric on 03.02.10 at 12:50 PM


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Why do people fall for it so easily?

Because it doesn't affect the vast majority of Americans in any way they really notice so they it's not an important issue.
It's also a bi-partisan affair, so so who you vote for doesn't matter all that much.

Our fine media betters rarely highlight bad drug raids, we have to find out about them from Reason and other Libertarian outlets, so there's no push to end them.

Most people don't deal with the erosion of freedoms or the violence from the drug "war" and since they don't see it on tv or read about it in the Times, well, it doesn't really happen, does it?
I know I've had a lot of conversations where people say, in effect, that if it was important CBS would cover it.

The only hope on that front is that as more and more of out politicians don't care about drugs so much, it'll be possible to be eased and finally ended. .
Our most powerful politicans are still from the "hate druggies" generation.

Veeshir   ·  March 2, 2010 08:28 PM

The best thing America has going for it is that we like short wars. Beat the crap out of the miscreants and then go home.

A 100 year war with no victory in sight and no positive results worth mentioning becomes a losing proposition. Eventually.

And thanks for the link and the explanation of your comment. I was wondering...

M. Simon   ·  March 3, 2010 05:23 AM

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