I may be tolerant, but don't ask me to accomodate savagery
And yes, some people are savages.

In an earlier post, I made a point of hesitating, ironically, to use the word "savages" in characterizing those Pashtuns who have sex with men who would kill one of their own for admitting homosexuality

I'd say that the British had a word for people like that -- "SAVAGES" -- except I'd be inviting trouble from the people who piled on Sarah Hoyt, and then they'd conspire to ensure that I would never get ahead in life. (Like I care at this point.)
My remark drew an angry response from a commenter who said,

You need to brush up on your Koran.

viz your comment about savages "piling on Sarah Hoyt", what are you talking about?

And who then launched into an irrelevant diatribe about Sarah's various commenters, which, fortunately or unfortunately, I hadn't taken the time to read in their entirety. But I wasn't talking about Sarah's commenters; I was talking about her general complaint about the "mental binds of political correctness" which was prompted by the criticism she has received as an author.
Political correctness deliberately - IMHO - conflates race and culture so you can't point at cultures as dysfunctional and so that anyone criticizing a foreign culture can be called racist.
That was my point about the use of the word "savages." I never said or implied that savages were piling on Sarah; but that others might if you use the word "savages" to describe them -- even if they are in fact savages.

What I saw today in a post by Donald Sensing that Glenn linked made me decided to return to that remark made in irony.

Only this time, I'm going to claim it for real.

I'm hardly what anyone would call a gay rights activist. I have long criticized the gay rights movement (especially gay identity politics), I don't endorse same sex marriage, in many posts I have questioned the wisdom of using human sexuality to classify people, and it would be dishonest for me to classify myself that way. I believe in sexual freedom, not judging people by the content of their orgasms, and I find sexuality classifications stultifying and oppressive.

I ask very little from people by way of ideological agreement, though. I'm even willing to concede that there is a right -- at least in a philosophical sense -- to be intolerant, even judgmental, about these things. Just because I don't care what consenting adults do with their genitalia doesn't mean I can demand the same from others.

However, there is one thing I absolutely refuse to tolerate (and I don't care what the source is), and that is demanding death for homosexuals. I have repeatedly condemned Christians who do that (as well as those associated with them), as well as Muslims. The difference, of course, is that Muslims don't just advocate killing homosexuals, they do it. In the name of their dreadful interpretation of a religion we are told is peaceful and civilized.

Sorry, but advocacy of killing homosexuals is neither peaceful nor civilized. And killing them is even less peaceful and less civilized than advocacy. It is savagery.

Yes, I consider the hooded thugs who are hanging the two young gay men in this picture to be savages:


So is Vanderbilt's chaplain who said that homosexuals should be killed:

What Chaplain Binhazim said was that [the above] hanging, and countless others in Iran and other Islamic countries, was dictated by the basic tenets of Islam and that he agrees with those tenets. Hence, these executions are right and proper and unobjectionable.

You may recall that when Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at Columbia University in 2007, he said there are no homosexuals in Iran. Now we know why. He has them killed.

Let me be clear of my own position here. Asked a straightforward question, Mr. Binhazim gave an equally straightforward answer: This is what Islam says and I am bound by the tenets of Islam to accept it. I personally do not think he should be disciplined or fired for answering the question, even as bluntly as he did.

I think whether he should be disciplined or fired depends on whether a Christian chaplain would be disciplined or fired. (Donald Sensing says the latter would be.)

But the point here is that because the man advocates savagery, that makes him a savage. I'd say that about any Christian who advocates killing homosexuals too.

And would someone then me that I need to study the Bible? I doubt it. So what's with telling me I need to study the Koran?

I would hate to think that we live in a world where it's OK to call Christian savages savages, but we have to tiptoe around the sensibilities of Muslim savages lest we offend them by calling them what they have demonstrated themselves to be.

When we can no longer call savages savages, civilization suffers.

So I'll say it again. Those who advocate killing homosexuals are savages.

Such a point would seem so obvious and unremarkable to most civilized people that it's really not saying much. It requires no more of a moral standard than saying that slavery is evil. And naturally, all civilized people would condemn Islamic slavery just as much as they would Christian slavery, right?

Obviously then, my ironic hesitation in the previous post was unnecessary.

posted by Eric on 02.04.10 at 06:21 PM


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M. Simon   ·  February 4, 2010 08:41 PM

Thank's for the clarity about savages, Muslim or Christian.
But your statement that Christians don't kill gays is only partly true. I had two gay friends killed by Christian true believers 10 years ago, in this country. If you meant that the Christian religion, in general, today, doesn't condone the execution of homosexuals I will agree - notwithstanding the current Uganda crap.

Frank   ·  February 4, 2010 11:49 PM

Frank, any source for that other than your unsupported word?

Eric, the reason courageous liberals condemn Christians and not Muslims is that Christians, Frank's lying bullsh*t to the contrary, don't have an established track record up through last week of beheading their opponents or blowing up their pizza parlors... maybe they should start in the interests of receiving the same deference.

SDN   ·  February 5, 2010 10:23 PM

Executing homosexuals pretty well guarantees that they die with their sins unforgiven--and sending them to prison pretty well guarantees that they will be having sex with more men. As a Christian, I find both of these concepts counterproductive. I don't know any fundamentalist Christian who supports imprisoning, much less executing homosexuals, with the singular, quite remarkable exception of Rev. Fred Phelps, former liberal lawyer.

Clayton E. Cramer   ·  February 5, 2010 10:58 PM

Go to the website of The Redding Record Searchlight at: redding.com & search for Matson Mowder Murders. Or google Gary Matson & Winfield Mowder. They were killed by the Williams brothers in 1999. And then read about the very right wing Christian background of the Williams boys.
You might also look into the background of Eric Rudolph, the Olympic bomber who bombed a gay bar, and ask yourself how he evaded capture all those years while on the FBI most wanted list. It was pretty obvious he had help.
And then there was(is?) Christian Identity.
Shall I go on?

Frank   ·  February 6, 2010 01:31 AM

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