Racist Videos -- watch at your own risk!

Yesterday I wrote a long post about Barack Obama's long relationship with Bill Ayers. What did not occur to me was that my criticism of Bill Ayers might very well be interpreted as racist. That's because my criticism of Ayers is necessarily criticism of Obama, and all criticism of Obama is racist:

In his color-coded article, "The Color-Coded Campaign," John Heilemann doesn't just hint that racial prejudice will prevent Barack Obama from winning the White House. He states it directly and without equivocation. The reason America's first black major party presumptive presidential nominee hasn't blown out the intractably boring and uninspiring John McCain in the polls, given "surging" Democratic voter registration and voters' disenchantment with Republicans, is his skin color.

It wouldn't have anything to do with Obama's liberal beliefs, inexperience, gaffes, and inconsistencies, would it? No, it's because he's black, says Heilemann and other liberals. Lurking just below the surface of any white person's criticism of Barack Obama is racial bias. Heilemann's article leaves the impression that Obama longs to take the high road and rise above such distractions; Republicans and other white people just won't let him.


I was all set to update the previous post with a couple of videos showing how unrepentant Ayers and his wife are. (To them, America remains the enemy -- "the beast" to be exact.)

But because Ayers and Dohrn are longtime friends and collaborators with Obama, these videos probably have to be considered racist.

Readers are warned accordingly.

Here they're helping out Ward Churchill:

Here's the November 30, 2007 MSU SDS Reunion:

And here's Part 2, if you can stand another racist video ("inside the belly of the beast"):

My apologies.

UPDATE: Glenn Reynolds has a new Insta-Poll asking readers which of the following issues they think Obama is least anxious to talk about:

  • His relationship with Bill Ayers

  • His position on abortion

  • His childhood in Indonesia

  • His relationship with Jeremiah Wright

  • Progress in Iraq
  • I picked Ayers, but it really doesn't matter, because if all criticism of Obama is racist, then so is the entire poll.

    Normally I would never have thought of abortion and Iraq as race issues, but I'm learning.

    posted by Eric on 08.20.08 at 11:41 AM


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    I think the fear that Obama is "not American enough" is more widespread than racism. (Against Obama personally, not racism in general of course)

    Lynn   ·  August 20, 2008 02:17 PM

    Well Lynn, you may have a point, because "not American enough" has a variety of meanings. I think he's "not American enough," but it's not because of his Kenyan or Indonesian connections. He has too much loyalty to Europeans, one-worlders, and any postcolonial with a grievance for my taste.

    As for the racism, if you know the joke with this punchline: So the guy at the bar says "No, it's just that I never knew until just now that I'm a lesbian, too!" - then you'll find that it fits well as a false-racism joke about Obama as well.

    Assistant Village Idiot   ·  August 20, 2008 02:40 PM

    I think racism is indeed playing a part in all this. But it's Obama's that troubles people.

    Let me back up. I'm half-Vietnamese. I have one "Asian" parent and one, let's just say "Pink" parent. Just like Obama. (I wish there was a name - other than "Flesh" for a pinkish-yellow, but there you go.)

    I know, and you know - hell, we all know - that race is an unscientific term. It's a very rough, literally pre-literate social construct. Take the term Asian. That means something to folks in the West. To Asians, it's a silly notion. How dare others lump 1/2 of the world's population together into one group! And if you know - really know - anything about the people of Asia, you know that they often express very racist ideas between them. Heck, they do it within the same country in a way that our Mason-Dixon line doesn't even match. The Montagnarde of Viet Nam are considered by many Vietnamese to be subhuman almost. Beijingers think Shanghais are very different kinds of people. (The converse is true.)

    All this was illustrated recently when the Chinese dressed ethnic Han Chinese up in the garb of the State's various ethnicities.

    But for the record, I'm not Asian. I'm not Pink either. I'm me. A human being. A man. An American. That's it. That's all you get. If you want me to be Asian, you're a fool. If you want me to be Pink (as Asians do not see me as their own either), you're also a fool.

    You are letting the social construct, the limitations of a pre-scientific mind dominate over the genetic reality that there are no races.

    I refuse to acknowledge race for me. By extension, I think race is a concept that is beneath everyone, but I am at least willing to understand how we've identified ourselves and one another.

    This is not a great revelation. Everyone knows this. In fact, that's the ugly thing about race. That we allow the truth to be overruled by the ugly habit.

    Everyone knows this, it seems, except Barack Obama.

    He sought out race. He identified one. He chose one, and adopted it. He made it his and now he seeks to use it as both sword and shield to gain power.

    He's a racist.

    The unease many people feel about Barack Obama is that they don't understand exactly why he chooses race. He, if anyone (or anyone else like him, such as me), has a chance that others may not (out of convention or custom) to say "No more. I will not have it. I will not be it. If you are voting for or against me because of my race, don't. You're wrong."

    But he didn't. He chose the downward path and now pretends to have the moral high ground to lecture the rest of us about it. I for one will not be lectured on a subject by a man who failed its first exam.

    And neither should anyone else.

    Amos   ·  August 20, 2008 03:43 PM

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