Harry Reid Makes Me Sick

Harry Reid says coal and oil are making us sick. He has that right. High oil prices are funding jihadis and the new Russian Military machine. The high price of oil is killing Iraqis and killing Georgians. It is also severely squeezing the poor in America. And here you probably thought the Democrats were the champions of the poor. I guess he champions the right of the poor to decide if they want to eat this winter or freeze to death.

And here we have an ordinary guy who was probably not educated in the best universities in America who gets it. He is even conversant with climate science. Something Harry would prefer we leave to the Global Warming experts.

posted by Simon on 08.20.08 at 03:53 AM


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Gotta love the ending. So much truth.

Sir Sefirot   ·  August 20, 2008 07:55 AM

Hey! I know, everybody in New England should simply burn wood for heat, until all the trees are gone. Perhaps we could burn waste construction debris and other garbage for survival. Oops, that's ILLEGAL.
Well then,, that's it. Pack up and move to the hillsides of California and the deserts of Nevada. Oh, wait, water!
Well we can all just buy bottled water from Nestle-currently at a higher price per gallon than gasoline and flooding the landfills with plastic. Oh, wait........

CaptDMO   ·  August 20, 2008 08:03 AM

I had to laugh out loud and actually applaud your second video. Thank GOD for the common sense people of the world. They are our only hope. Thank you very much for this post, it started out sooooo bad, but ended soooooooooooooooooo good.

Common sense isn't so common anymore.

Skeptic   ·  August 20, 2008 01:12 PM

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