Neocongenital disorder?
Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our first lady - a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation - is a congenital liar.

-- William Safire, Jan. 1996

Apparently, this realization has faded.

I was startled when earlier I saw Glenn's link to a very spirited defense of Hillary's "coming in under sniper fire" remark.

"Hillary told the truth, and all the dishonest hacks and hate-filled liars and Caesarist bootlickers saying otherwise can go hang. . . . Her Story's Still Changing: But so what, Right Wing Haters? It's just getting better, more truthful, and more filled with pulse-pounding action-adventure and executive experience with each retelling."
But my startlement turned to shock and dismay when I saw that the above was said by Ace, of all people.

What happened? Has Ace been turned? Did Gleen Grenwald finally get to him? What could be going on with a statement like that coming from Ace?

And even if we assume that Ace has been turned, why would Glenn be linking it?

Wanting to know more, I used the clever trick suggested by experts on the Glenn Reynolds style of passive aggressive linking techniques: I went to Ace's home page, and I began to scroll.

Surely, I thought, this must be some kind of joke. (After all, Ace has never been known for praising Hillary.)

No! No! No! Not a joke at all! Why, in another post (titled "When It's Too Dangerous For the President, Send the First Lady") Ace links with approval an analysis arguing that "Hillary did not lie":

Yes, we understand that people have bad memories. Yes, we are reconciled to the fact that politicians often have conveniently bad memories. But Hillary has an excellent memory, and furthermore she wasn't lying.
I'm shocked.

Shocked, I tell you!

But I'm sorry I quoted Safire. And I'm sorry I said Hillary lied about NAFTAgate. Because even if she lied, there had to be either an explanation or a justification of some sort.

Hillary is probably a congenital unliar. (Besides, what sort of mean-spirited wordsmith would ever use a word that looks like someone put "con" in front of "genital" to describe a First Lady he should have known would some day be running for president?)

The more I thought it over, the more I thought I should atone by requoting William Safire to reflect the better reality better reflect reality:

Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the... realization that our first lady - a woman of undoubted talents ... was a role model for many in her generation.
Hey, those are his words, right?

I should take Ace more seriously more often. (How I hate it when these right-wing conspirators force me to be passive aggressive!)

But alas!

Now that I've apologized and corrected history, I see that the unprincipled haters at Daily Kos are accusing Hillary of even more lying -- the new lie, ironically, coming from the very explanation she gave to the Philadelphia Daily News explaining the last lie:

Clinton yesterday acknowledged to the Philadelphia Daily News that there was what she called a "minor blip" in her account of the visit.

"I went to 80 countries, you know," she told the paper's editorial board. "I gave contemporaneous accounts, I wrote about a lot of this in my book. You know, I think that, a minor blip, you know, if I said something that, you know, I say a lot of things -- millions of words a day -- so if I misspoke, that was just a misstatement." (Emphasis added.)

If you can imagine such mean-spiritedness, the cruel Kosacks are actually saying that it is impossible to utter even one million words per day -- much less "millions":
....Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire had over 191,000 words in it. In addition, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix had over 255,000 words in it. So unless you talk really really fast, you wouldn't even get through 500,000 words in two days, let alone one.

But there's an even better example out there: The Bible. I don't think there's ANYONE out there who can claim to read the Bible cover-to-cover in a day. And how many words does it have?

Number of Old Testament Words (Hebrew) = 306,375
Number of New Testament Words (Greek) = 138,020
Total Number of Words in the Bible = 444,395
Hillary, I'm sorry, but it simply can't be done. You have been exposed as a serial exaggerator. Your hemming and hawing over your Bosnia trip throws all of your claims of experience out the window. Let's look at the facts: you had no security clearance in the Clinton Administration. Most of your time on trips overseas with Bill was spent with the wives of presidents and prime ministers. You did not play an important role in the Northern Ireland peace process. You were not a factor in SCHIP. You had nothing to do with the FMLA. You were a cheerleader FOR NAFTA.
Well, even if it's true, since when does Daily Kos cite the Bible to prove a point, anyway? Doesn't a source like that undermine their entire claim?

What's really going on?

I'm telling you, things is getting krazy.

Next I'll be wondering whether I was completely serious in this post!

(I do know this: were I one of Hillary's handlers, I'd be trying to shut her up fast, before she undoes her recent advantage completely.)

MORE: Check out this inspiring and heroic video!

MORE: The book!


UPDATE: OH YES! My thanks to Glenn Reynolds for linking to "linking with approval!"

This is not to suggest that Glenn actually approves of linking with approval, mind you. In order to understand the nuances of what linking to linking with approval means, you'd have to ask the expert(s) in Brazil, for only (t)he(y) can discern the true meanings and root causes of the "deeply irrational and incoherent" methodology and bigoted "cultural tribalism" involved.

Welcome everyone. All comments gleefully approved! (Yes, even from sock puppets.)

UPDATE: More from former Clinton Svengali Dick Morris:

Interviewed on the "Today" show one week after 9/11, she spun an elaborate yarn. The kindest thing we could say was that it was a fantasy. Or a fabrication.

She said that Chelsea was jogging around the World Trade Center on 9/11 and happened to duck into a coffee shop when the airplanes hit. She said that this move saved Chelsea's life. But Chelsea told Talk magazine that she was in a friend's apartment four miles from ground zero when the first plane hit. Her friend called her, waking her up, and told her to turn on the TV. On television, she saw the second plane hit, disproving Hillary's claim that "she heard the plane hit. She heard it. She did."

So why did Hillary make up the story about Chelsea? Most likely to was because her co-senator (and implicit rival for the voter's affection), a real New Yorker Chuck Schumer spoke of his daughter, who attended Stuyvesant High School (Dick's alma mater) located next to the TRade Center, being at real risk on 9/11. Hillary needed to make herself part of the scene.

She invented the entire story on national television, the "Today" show, and didn't blink an eye.

Her fabrication on the "Today" show was no unique foray. It is her standard M.O.. It gives us pause in evaluating all of her stories and calls into question her entire credibility.

Hey, Justin just asked, "wasn't that Hillary on Mount Suribachi"?

So little time. So many revisions!

MORE: Do not miss "Hillary's True Lies," by Rick Moran at Pajamas Media:

only a Clinton could "misspeak" while telling a whopper of a tall tale to demonstrate superiority over a rival and then have the unmitigated chutzpah to add that such "mistakes" in not telling the truth are as rare as hen's teeth.

What this little morality tale will do to the campaign is remind Democratic voters of just what it is about the Clinton's that everybody marveled at during their 8 years in office; their spectacular ability to lie without batting an eyelash or showing any remorse when the lie was exposed.

Read it all.

posted by Eric on 03.25.08 at 06:23 PM


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So Eric, but the GMC ad blocks part of the text and makes it hard to figure out what you're saying. You're advertising agency needs a talking to.

Alan Kellogg   ·  March 25, 2008 10:48 PM

Alan, it all looks completely normal, and I don't even see a GMC ad.

Now I'm really baffled....

Eric Scheie   ·  March 25, 2008 11:24 PM

Actual Footage of the Hillary trip to Bosnia.

A recent report from CBS News.

M. Simon   ·  March 25, 2008 11:37 PM

Hillary is hardly the only politician who is innumerate.

Unfortunately, the people who can't comprehend the magnitude of one million words are the same people who decide to spend hundreds of billions of dollars of our money in a single stroke.

kanu   ·  March 26, 2008 09:38 AM

Hey, Greenwald isn't great with numbers, either. Is he one person? Is he three? Four? Twelve? Let's see: Ellers, Ellesberg, Ellenstein, Ellencrantz, Ellowitz, Antoine Randle-El, Tickle-Me Ellsmo, Ellsvin & the Chipmunks, Ellsvis Presley, Ellston John, Ellsbert Einstein, Marv Ellsbert, Ellesberg Humperdink... the list goes on.

AK   ·  March 26, 2008 10:17 AM

It's not just the lying. It's lying even when they (she and Bill) don't need to lie.

It's also when they think we're too stupid to see that they're lying.

JayC   ·  March 26, 2008 01:34 PM

If I accused a woman of speaking millions of words a day every day, it would be a hate crime.

Bob Hawkins   ·  March 26, 2008 01:56 PM

Hill and Bill have been getting a pass from the media for so long they think they'll never be called on whatever lies they want to make up.

jr   ·  March 26, 2008 02:28 PM

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