Time to replay a golden oldie

This campaign has gone on so long I'm already getting nostalgic.

No, seriously, I was just thinking back. Only six months back, but it seems like an eternity.

Anyway it occurred to me that if Hillary Clinton could bring up Ayers like this in April, then why not John McCain in October?

I mean, it's not as if there's a sexist double standard or anything.

For that matter, why not run it as a campaign ad? They could always beef it up a bit by adding a few of Sarah Palin's remarks.

UPDATE: Yes, folks, back in April, Ayers was in the air! While we're still walking down memory lane, here's Andrew McCarthy:


With this as background, is it really all that startling that Sen. Obama enjoys a friendly relationship with Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, a pair of terrorists?

I want to be clear here: Not terrorist sympathizers. Terrorists.

The mainstream media, in their zeal to elect a Democrat, are assiduously airbrushing Ayers: "an aging lefty with a foolish past," as the Chicago Sun-Times has so delicately put it. In fact, it is the press that is rife with foolish, aging lefties. Ayers, by contrast, is an unapologetic terrorist with a savage past -- one who beat the system he so reviles when, after his years of fugitivity, terrorism charges were dropped due to government surveillance violations. He's "guilty as sin," by his own concession, but "free as a bird."

Ayers didn't just carry a sign outside the Pentagon on May 19, 1972. He bombed it. As his memoir gleefully recalled, "Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon. The sky was blue. The birds were singing. And the bastards were finally going to get what was coming to them."

Whether Pentagon bombing day was more or less ideal than other days, when he, Dohrn and their Weathermen comrades bombed the U.S. Capitol, the State Department, and sundry banks, police stations and courthouses, Ayers does not say. But on each occasion, there was surely optimism that the bastards were finally going to get what was coming to them.

There were lots of bombs. There is no remorse. "I don't regret setting bombs," he told the New York Times in 2001, sorry only that he and the others "didn't do enough." Like what? We can't be sure, though National Review Online's Jonah Goldberg recounts Ayers's sentiments back in the day: "Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at."

Ayers and Dohrn have done the actual dirty work of terror, while Jeremiah Wright draws the line at waving pom-poms. But the prism through which they assay the dirty work is precisely the same: America has it coming.

And here we are six months later, and America still has it coming!

(At least we were warned.)

posted by Eric on 10.08.08 at 06:45 PM


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Extended remix with added Rev. Wright, Pfleger, both Obamas, that Youth Brigade video ...

I keep saying with Obama you could fashion five of the most damning ads by using ONLY original material, some good music and smart editing. But that would require some original thinking.

el gordo   ·  October 8, 2008 07:26 PM

You're forgetting.

Hillary Clinton had to frame her remarks with the defense that "those dirty Rethuglicans will certainly raise this issue. Better to address it now." (I may be paraphrasing, slightly. ;-)

Now if McCain and Palin were to frame it as: "Vladimir Putin will certainly raise this issue..."

Clint   ·  October 8, 2008 10:08 PM

It took an Obama to make miss a Clinton.

w3bgrrl   ·  October 8, 2008 10:29 PM


Senator Clinton is delivering the goods like a mule going up a ladder.

11B40   ·  October 8, 2008 10:56 PM

If Hillary Clinton couldn't make it stick with her own Democrat kool-aid drinkers, there isn't much hope that it will stick when Republicans bring it up. The fix is in.

The hammer will fall... on all of us.

Sillie Lizzie   ·  October 9, 2008 02:05 AM

It could be beefed up a little bit--we know more now about how deep the relationship went and how much Obama lied to hide it. More importantly, McCain could beef it up by talking about Obama's efforts to keep it under wraps--so viewers will be free to use their imagination to decide what Obama is still hiding.

tim maguire   ·  October 9, 2008 10:40 AM

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