Classical Values fiddles while Reichstag burns!

Like clockwork, every time I might think of taking a little time to do, you know, things unrelated to blogging, a new emergency arises.

Until a few moments ago, I had absolutely no idea that "they" were about to burn the Reichstag, and that because M. Simon was discussing drugs, that makes this blog "unreal."

Well, I often have to agree that this blog is unreal. It seems that I have to reinvent it every time I write another post, and it always changes, like some amorphous alien being. However, I'm not sure that's what Frank meant in the comment.

I am obviously being accused of ignoring a huge impending disaster akin to the infamous, Nazi-staged burning of the Reichstag, and I just hate it when that happens, because I try to be, like, at least basically attentive about major things. The thing is, I Googled and (other than some older Godwin-style arguments like this one) couldn't find out what the event might be. Nothing breathtaking in Drudge. I mean, sure, old Nancy Pelosi is acting up and pushing for another showdown on healthcare, a jogger jumped off a cliff, a drunk driver was too drunk for sentencing, Sean Penn is behaving in a particularly dysfunctional manner, James Brown's body is said not to be moldering in the grave, and Texas conservatives are supposedly trying to edit out Thomas Jefferson. Interesting as these stories may be, they simply don't rank with a major event like the burning of the Reichstag.

But hey, at least by linking them I am not neglecting them! And I did more than link them; I said they were interesting!

Phew. That's what you call getting real.

I wish I had more time to be unreal...

MORE: Obama's Reichstag (Reichstag fire) is on Facebook. And Glenn Beck warned about it too! And so did Michael Savage!

And here's a site that says Bush started it and Obama will finish it!

How could I be so unreal?

posted by Eric on 03.13.10 at 03:39 PM


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Wait, when did we get a Reichstag?

Why am I always the last to know?

Veeshir   ·  March 13, 2010 04:01 PM

It's all being kept secret.

Those who know won't tell, and those who tell don't know.

Eric Scheie   ·  March 13, 2010 09:17 PM

You are right, of course, to make fun of the much used cliche of comparing every impending political disaster to the burning of the Reichstag. But in the case of the Democrat shenanigans in Congress to ram through their monster health care bill, I do think it is the right one to use.

I visit this site to get a sense of reasoned outrage when things like this are on the horizon. We've watched while more and more private decision making is taken away. Both political parties are to blame.
But the health care bill's byzantine progress through the legislative process seems to have crossed a line.

The outrage is there on the right. But coupled with it is a hands rubbing glee at the prospect of political gain in November.
It's almost as if they are wishing this thing to become law. Just like the left, they are disconnected from the reality of what this will mean to the average person.
Do they think that a few tweaks here and there after passage will right the injustice?

Forget the sarcasm and irony. Is that all we have left?

FRank   ·  March 13, 2010 09:34 PM

My problem is that I have been thinking too much about burning natural gas


To consider burning Reichstags. Or should that be rice tags? Is it a Chinese plot disguised as a German plot which was disguised as a Communist plot? Well the Chinese are communists so it is possible.

Maybe the Japanese are behind it and running a false flag operation to blame the Chinese. Now there IS a plot.

A graveyard rice tag plot.

If there are head stones involved, for sure the dopers are behind it. Japanese dopers. Who are planning to invade from Mexico.

I know the Germans once planned to invade from Mexico so it all fits.

M. Simon   ·  March 13, 2010 11:20 PM


The Bill Will Not Pass. What you see is theater in order to keep the hard core left with a glimmer of hope for as long as possible.

M. Simon   ·  March 13, 2010 11:32 PM

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