Obama/Keyes vs Kerry/Bush

First off. I got my numbers from Obama/Keyes and Kerry/Bush.

So let us start with the numbers. Also let me add that this is going to be somewhat simplistic since I did not look at exit polls to determine who did what and why. It should give some idea of what went on though. Not counting vote fraud.

Obama 3,597,456
Keyes 1,390,690

Total 4,988,146


Kerry 2,891,550
GBush 2,345,946

Total 5,237,946

Let me start with the undervote. 249,800 more people (probably Republicans just to make things simple) voted in the Kerry/Bush (K/B) race than in the Obama/Keyes (O/K) race. Probably Republicans who couldn't stand either candidate.

So let us see how that looks for O/K. If we subtract Kerry from Obama we get 705,906. That means (roughly) that 705,906 Republican voters voted for the Communist over the Socon. I was one of them. It was a protest vote by me against the R party for putting a socon on the ballot who was running on a Theocon platform.

So am I against socons? NO. I support Sarah Palin nationally and Doug Hoffman in NY23. Why? Hoffman is running on a strictly fiscal responsibility platform with NO Culture War issues. And Sarah Palin Governed Alaska on a fiscal responsibility/anti-corruption platform.

So what about the Theocons? The American Taliban is rather apt. Not in terms of the culture they want to enforce but in the fact that they want to enforce culture.

My attitude? On social issues the socons should lead by example not government force. The persuasion of Jesus is better than the sword of Rome. If you are trying to get votes.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 11.04.09 at 09:32 AM


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Fascinating analysis.

I also think that Keyes is not your conventional social conservative, but a foaming-at-the-mouth fanatic. (The American Taliban is not far from the mark in describing him.) I suspect that a number of his voters held their nose, while wondering why the GOP couldn't come up with a sane candidate.

The problem is, what the Keyes/WND "wing" lacks in numbers, they more than compensate for in noise.

Eric Scheie   ·  November 4, 2009 11:06 AM

Keyes was the brilliant idea of my State Senator Dave Syverson. My guess is his (stupid) thinking was: the Democrats are running a black guy Our guy Ryan has been kicked out of the race so no time for a vote by the electorate. Is there a Republican Black Guy we can put up against him?

Not the guy who came in #2 in the primary, Oberweiss. A carpet bagging lunatic black guy.

Kind of like what happened in NY 23rd. A back room deal by out of touch pols.

Keyes was so nuts that he kicked his own daughter out of the family for being gay. Unlike Cheney who accepts his daughter.

Now because of the Moral Majority Campaign and guys like Keyes all Republicans are tarred with the American Taliban label.

M. Simon   ·  November 4, 2009 11:15 AM

The American Taliban is rather apt. Not in terms of the culture they want to enforce but in the fact that they want to enforce culture.
I consider that over the top. Christianity has by and large separated the secular and religious realms : Render unto Caesar and all that. I know of no one in the US, Bible-thumpers included, who wants to overturn the First Amendment.

IMHO, the term "American Taliban" is as apt as calling people of the Jewish faith money grubbing shysters.

Desclaimer: I have never been a Bible-thumper. I was an atheist at 14 but am now an agnostic.

Gringo   ·  November 4, 2009 01:36 PM

Christianity has by and large separated the secular and religious realms

Not according to Alan Keyes.

M. Simon   ·  November 4, 2009 01:51 PM

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