Can a "child" make a "mistake" deliberately?

The Secret Service has closed its investigation of the Facebook poll asking whether President Obama should be assassinated:

WASHINGTON -- The Secret Service has determined that a juvenile was behind the online survey that asked whether people thought President Barack Obama should be assassinated, an agency spokesman said Thursday.

No criminal charges will be filed against the juvenile or the juvenile's parents, spokesman Edwin Donovan said. Donovan would not identify the names of the child or parents or say where they are from.

The poll, posted Saturday on Facebook, was taken off the popular social networking site quickly after company officials were alerted to its existence. But, like any threat against the president, Secret Service agents took no chances.

The poll asked respondents "Should Obama be killed?" The choices: No, Maybe, Yes, and Yes if he cuts my health care.

After Secret Service agents met with the child and the child's parents, they determined there was no intent to harm the president.

"Case closed," Donovan said. "I guess you could characterize it as a mistake."

OK, I guess everyone makes mistakes, including the "juvenile" who is being called a "child," but who of course has been assumed by countless people like the commenters here to be a Republican.

How are we ever to know what he is or who his parents are? I mean, what if he's a 17 year old left wing agent provocateur whose parents are left wing activists?

All we will ever know is that the author was a juvenile who made a mistake.

Which leaves me with one stubborn question. If the Obama assassination poll was removed, and was a "mistake," then how come this group -- "We all Want To Kill George Bush" -- is still there?

Is it there on purpose?

posted by Eric on 10.03.09 at 04:08 PM


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Shouldn't someone rat out that facebook page to the SS? Hmm... maybe I will...

Brad   ·  October 4, 2009 08:21 AM

Can a child make a mistake deliberately? Well I dont think he can make a deliberate mistake. But the question here is different. A child cannot imagine assassinating his President. Not for the health policy atleast. There may be no intention to harm the President but the punishment was needed. A small punishment would help like minded juveniles who think and act like this.
Parents must be responsible too.

webnoor   ·  October 5, 2009 02:49 AM

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