Getting Stimulated

You can read and discuss the rape the taxpayer bill (aka the stimulus bill) at Here is a bit from the site.

One of the additional features we want to add to is more detail on the actual dollar amounts being appropriated in the bill text. But to do that, we need to extract out all the individual appropriations and put them in a spreadsheet. Unfortunately, there's just no way to do that automagically, and so that means we have to brute force it: have real live humans manually read each page of the document and enter in the dollar appropriations into a collaborative spreadsheet.

To that end, we're creating an online spreadsheet that can be edited by many folks simultaneously that we'll use to "crowdsource" the effort. If you have time this weekend and want to help out, please email us at and we'll let you know how you can assist. Thanks!

You know, Congress could be right. America might need a big stimulus package to get the wheels of industry turning again. So why not pass a big tax cut and let people and businesses spend the money as they see fit? Congress could exercise its power, but it would mean giving up control. Well Democrats are against giving up control as a philosophical proposition - let alone in reality. So what are the odds? None and less than none.

And what will we get for all this debt addition? Stagflation. The Democrats will lose seats in 2010 and Obama is likely to be a one termer. Especially if a war flares up in the world and he handles it badly.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 01.21.09 at 12:23 PM


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I've seen the suggestion made (I forget where now, unfortunately) that we should completely "turn off" the income tax for X months (where X = the amount of the proposed stimulus divided by the amount of income tax the federal government usually receives in a month). The added bonus of this plan, of course, is that the sudden hit we take when the income tax is reinstated might encourage some people to join the smaller government bandwagon.

Robin S   ·  January 21, 2009 12:39 PM

So why not pass a big tax cut and let people and businesses spend the money as they see fit?

Please. We're all too stupid to know what's really important to spend our own money on. That's why we have the Great Fathers in Washington DC to do it for us...

When you turn off the income tax, turn off the EIC as well.

Heather   ·  January 21, 2009 05:12 PM

Doubt if Obama will be a one termer.

- degree of media propping is stunning, too big to fail, etc.

- Since 1896 the party in power has always served 2+ terms - Carter being the only exception (and deservedly so).

Doug   ·  January 23, 2009 11:10 PM


I'm predicting a Carter II. Same economic policies. Same kumbayah foreign policy.

M. Simon   ·  January 24, 2009 12:54 AM

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