Even halos have to be earned!

I have been extremely distracted by reality recently, as I am in the process of moving. The only good thing about this horribly unpleasant process is that it will all be over in a few weeks. But meanwhile, this is eating up an incredible amount of time and blogging will be erratic until things settle down.

However, my rebellious side can't resist weighing in on the latest taboo -- disagreeing with Obama:

You had better mind your manners with regard to Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

You can't disagree with him. You can't question the legitimacy of his many platitudes and promises. And you had better watch it when you offer a litany of his flip-flops or point out his crass opportunism.

Be forewarned: If you say, sing, write, draw, paint or sculpt anything unflattering about Obama, expect the Spanish Inquisition. The salvational fervor and unfiltered euphoria surrounding the man have cast a halo around his head. A halo, as you know, suggests something otherworldly.

Um, are we electing a president, or a saint? The reason I'm asking is that even if we were electing a saint, there's still supposed to be an adversary process.

Anyone heard of the Devil's Advocate?

The Devil's Advocate is the popular term given to the Promoter of the Faith, an official of the Congregation of Rites, whose business it is to scrupulously examine all evidence, both of miracles and virtue, in the processes of beatification and canonization, so that no person may, through human enthusiasm or error, receive the highest honors of the Church unless in every way worthy of them. Every objection must be answered satisfactorily before the case is allowed to proceed.
If every real saint has had to go through this process, why not Obama?

Just as saints can't have their cake and eat it too, neither should Obama.

Bill Maxwell ends his editorial with a warning

If Obama's swooning, humorless supporters continue to force critics to whisper, to shut up or to explain their artistic renderings, our precious gift and right of free expression will diminish if Obama is elected in November.

These people need to know that some of us cherish free expression. They also need to know that if Obama needs to be protected from the satirist's rapier, he doesn't deserve to be the president of the United States of America.

While I haven't had time for a long post on the subject, I was more than a little annoyed over the incredible argument (triggered by the New Yorker cover) that Barack Obama should be off limits as a target for humor. In a post titled "Why can't we joke about Obama?," Ann Althouse argues that cowardly comedians should be fired

Any decent political satirist should have an instinct to go after the most powerful individuals. I don't believe Sweeney and Stewart for one minute. The real explanation for the lack of jokes is some combination of the desire for Obama to win and the fear of seeming racist.
"The thing is, he's not buffoonish in any way," said Mike Barry, who started writing political jokes for Johnny Carson's monologues in the waning days of the Johnson administration and has lambasted every presidential candidate since, most recently for Mr. Letterman. "He's not a comical figure," Mr. Barry said.
Fire every comic writer who says that and bring in some people with brains and nerve.
I completely agree.

Halos are especially laughable, and legitimate targets for derision -- even when they are earned. The idea of an unearned, political halo which is above criticism is simply too much.

It crosses the line, and it does more than invite comedy.

It demands it.



I think the best way to determine the icon's authenticity is to test his metal.

MORE: If Obama's "metal" is unsound, I think the coverup is worse than the comedy.

UPDATE: Via Glenn Reynolds (who calls it "mocking the unmockable"), I found even more halo talk from Greg Gutfeld:

...speaking of those angels, they must have been proud, when their father spoke to La Raza last Sunday. There he boldly said how disappointed he is in McCain's new stance on immigration. You could hear a pinata drop it was so quiet, and the silence seemed to illuminate his hair, like a halo.

His sensibly styled mane seems to have been graced with a touch of grey, not unlike a younger Morgan Freeman, giving him an air of wisdom extremely rare for a man of such a young age. It's like he has all the experience of a John McCain, without the nasal hair.

This is a guy you could definitely have a beer with or marry or cohabitate with, if you're gay.

And if you disagree with me, you're probably a racist.

Hey wait a second! Does he mean that if I don't want to marry or cohabitate with Obama, I'm a racist?

Nah, that can't be right. I think I'm just a plain old halophobe.

(I'm still allowed to ridicule my fearmongering, right?)

MORE: Via Dennis the Disrespectful, it's "What Me Barry?"


UPDATE: Speaking of comedy, don't miss "Canada Charges Comedian with Not Being Funny" by Kathy Shaidle. Seriously, when Canadian comedians heckle their hecklers, they can be charged with "human rights" violations.

By the hecklers.

I'd complain that the government should stay out of comedy, but that's a little like complaining that the church should stay out of religion.

After all, what are government clowns for?

posted by Eric on 07.17.08 at 11:29 AM


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I'm not voting for him, but I anticipate him winning. And then I anticipate his fall. No way he can be the president his people imagine, and surely some unforseen challenge will prove him unworthy of their worship. No one could do it, not even me.

dr kill   ·  July 17, 2008 06:35 PM

I'm not voting for Barack Hussein Obama, nor do I see him winning the election. By November, the American people will see the true side of him.

Christopher Hamilton   ·  July 17, 2008 11:56 PM

The only way Obama wins is if Barr makes a spirited run and splits the conservative vote. But if he does win, he will continue to be popular with his base. The president has almost no effect on the day to day lives of a vast majority of people, so they are free to let their biases, prejudices and assumptions run wild with very little reality check. So no matter how big a disaster Obama is, his disciples will be able to continue believing in him.

tim maguire   ·  July 18, 2008 11:43 AM

Sanity is optional.

Beck   ·  July 19, 2008 08:35 PM

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