All The Rest Is Obfuscation

Gun control is to prevent self defense.

Drug control is to prevent self medication.

All the rest is obfuscation.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 01.16.08 at 04:26 PM


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Perhaps the principle of "Enforcability" should be introduced into common law tradition. If a law against a victim-less "crime" cannot be enforced, the law should be thrown out. Me-thinks the majority of drug-control and gun-control legislation would be thrown out. Ditto for though-crime legislation.

Robert   ·  January 16, 2008 08:48 PM

You should support Ron Paul if you really believe that and it's important to you. He would agree.

Jardinero1   ·  January 16, 2008 08:54 PM

Ron Paul takes the Communist line on American foreign policy.

M. Simon   ·  January 16, 2008 10:36 PM

Gun control, like banning assault weapons and cop killing bullets, the Brady Bill do NOT infringe on the right to self defense.

YogiBarrister   ·  January 16, 2008 11:23 PM

There is no such thing as cop killer bullets.

Second - gun control laws were first instituted to prevent blacks from defending themselves. On this point I don't see how liberals can defend them.

Of course having been a liberal once myself I can say that their solutions are mostly feel good and work bad.

BTW where are the Dems on Drug Prohibition - which is devastating the black community.

The Rs have one candidate - despicable though he is on the war and his race baiting for profit newsletter - champions ending the drug war for the sake of the minority community.

Where is Obama? Clinton? Edwards?

M. Simon   ·  January 17, 2008 12:27 AM

Really M. Simon? Teflon coated bullets don't exist? How about hollow point bullets? Do they exist?
So called "cop killer" bullets do exist, ironically, only law enforcement officials are allowed to use them.
High caliber rifle bullets, capable of penetrating body armor, are still available, so fear not, you can still go David Koresh on a cop if you really feel the need.

YogiBarrister   ·  January 17, 2008 02:04 AM

"High caliber rifle bullets, capable of penetrating body armor"
Oops, I meant high velocity bullets. I'm glad M. Simon is sleeping. He would have jumped all over that one.
There is no reason why a civilian needs a handgun that fires armor piercing rounds, nor do they need fully automatic weapons.

YogiBarrister   ·  January 17, 2008 03:11 AM


Civilians are not allowed to own automatic weapons. As to armor piercing weapons - a 30-06 will do nicely. Depending on range and thickness of the armor. No need for anything special.

In any case the weapon of choice for criminals is the handgun. Works better in urban terrain. A carbine in special cases. However, carbines tend to be lower velocity weapons.

Really Yogi for a guy that owns a .45 (M1911 I assume) you sure are ignorant about fire arms.

Now the thing you have to worry about is the proliferation of home automated machine shops. Once that gets going in a big way you will not be able to stop people from arming themselves. Last I looked (about 2003) there was a public domain G code file for making your own pistol.

I'm told there is no law against making your own machine gun. In any case how will you stop it?

I don't think laws against having things (status crimes) work. The only thing that can be done is to punish people for mis-using them.

Since good people outnumber bad guys, if every one was armed the bad guys would be reduced considerably in a short time.

BTW sleeping is not one of my favorite pass times. I was reading stuff. Like how something like 70% believe that the media is harming the mission in Iraq. That does not bode well for the surrendercrats.

Defeating despots and introducing self government is one of our favorite national sports. We have had lots of practice over the last 70 years and we are getting better at it. You know, I'm a JFK liberal.

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty. - John F. Kennedy

Pity only the Republicans still believe.

M. Simon   ·  January 17, 2008 03:43 AM

BTW yogi please explain about high velocity pistols.

Easy one - compare a 30-06 to your favorite high velocity pistol.

Muzzle velocity, muzzle energy, bullet mass.

This should be good for no end of amusement.

M. Simon   ·  January 17, 2008 03:52 AM

God, M. Simon, you are one very insecure little man. I decline to amuse you with my knowledge or lack thereof, about guns.
I had to purchase and qualify with a Sig Sauer p220 .45 before I got hired permanently. Didn't make much sense, because I wasn't allowed to carry it on the job.
You seem delighted that people are manufacturing their own machine guns. I bet David Koresh is your hero.

YogiBarrister   ·  January 17, 2008 12:23 PM

M. Simon, why do you call someone ignorant when all you do is spout rightwing nonsense you read on the internet. Now I see where you got the idea that "cop killer" bullets don't exist.
Gun control advocates merely took a page from the rightwing playbook and labelled teflon coated bullets and other rounds designed to pierce kevlar vests, "cop killer" bullets( yes, as far as I know, no cops have been killed with a cop killer bullet). Although very few of these bullets were manufactured, and only the military and law enforcement had access to them, there was no law preventing the public from acquiring them. Because, as you noted, criminals prefer handguns, it made sense to make them illegal.
The N.R.A. turned out to be a big help in getting the law right. Hunters can still buy high powered bullets for their rifles, criminals cannot buy teflon coated ones. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

YogiBarrister   ·  January 17, 2008 12:44 PM

Please God! Shoot me before I ever get into a debate with another anal retentive rightwinger, intent on proving how smart he is. M. Simon is no doubt pounding his keyboard at this moment to inform me that federal law doesn't prohibit teflon coated bullets. Federal law specifically deals with the core of the bullet, not the coating. But the armor piercing cores need a teflon coating or else they destroy the barrel.

Anonymous   ·  January 17, 2008 12:53 PM


You better hope I'm anal. Your life depends on it. You see I'm an aerospace engineer and no doubt some of the planes you fly on depend on my analness.

The deal is - never get into a technical discussion with an engineer unless you have the details down solid.

It has nothing to do with rightwingerness. That is just your prejudice showing.

I was under the impression that lefties were the least prejudiced among us. At least so they tell us. Ad nauseum. I must be in error. I will correct that. Not necessarily to your benefit.

M. Simon   ·  January 17, 2008 01:03 PM

M. Simon, I'm not a leftie, I'm pretty much a middle of the road type of guy. Your side has become so radicalized that I can see where you might get that impression. Basically, you want to have enough firepower to overthrow the government if it is no longer to your liking. You end up defending despicable cowards like David Koresh.

YogiBarrister   ·  January 17, 2008 01:56 PM

Koresh was attacked by the government when he could have been picked up on his daily jog.

The whole incident was unfortunate. The stupid government agents got what they deserved. They should get it more often. Might prevent further stupidity.

However, the SWAT team epidemic of murders of innocent civilians has not stopped. I'm pretty much a middle of the road guy myself. But you have to admit that killing an unarmed mother and shooting the fingers off her son after her boyfriend was already cuffed (he was named in the warrant) is a little over the top.

You know - drug war crap.

If every one of these violent entries - Gestapo Tactics is not too harsh - was met with armed force the police might think twice about the way they serve warrants. Our minority neighborhood are being warred on for no good purpose. I'd like to see a lot of warring back. YMMV.

M. Simon   ·  January 17, 2008 02:13 PM

Ahh! Now the beast emerges. Those agents were murdered in cold blood, by a depraved scumbag who then took his own children hostage. You rightwingers always say we need to enforce the gun laws that are already on the books, but when law enforcement officials try to do that, you think it's OK to kill them. Nice!

YogiBarrister   ·  January 17, 2008 02:40 PM

YogiBarrister, your ideas would certainly fail the "enforcibility rule" I just mentioned earlier. I have started to notice a pattern. I began asking a set of questions concerning the Nation-State and its Past/Future. The individualists in Samizdata were able to answer the question easily. The leftist posters on Pharyngula couldn't even answer them at all. A poster named "truth machine" was unable or unwilling to answer them. On the excellent Alphecca blog, a leftist troll named "mister guy" couldn't answer them correctly. The collectivists can't answer them. Maybe you YogiBarrister, can answer them correctly.
Here are the questions:

How does a Nation-State impose its will on its people? What is meant by the term, "last argument of kings"?

Robert   ·  January 18, 2008 12:23 AM

Now here is another question for YogiBarrister. After he answers my previous two of course.

Here is the third question:

"What sort of technological trends would erode the Nation-State's ability to impose its will on 'its' people?"

Hint YogiBarrister, M. Simon just mentioned one of them.

Robert   ·  January 18, 2008 12:29 AM

Oh for the love of God! Another rightwing paranoid creep advocating the killing of law enforcement officers.
I'm not interested in playing your ignorant, asinine game Robert. M. Simon defended the actions of a pedophile, murderer. Are you two guys planning on going Timothy McVeigh on us? Sheesh, how creepy can you get?
My first contact with M. Simon was over an incident where somebody's car got keyed. This infuriated him to no end. But murder a man who is just doing his job, that's OK.
I get your implied threat Robert. Rightwing creeps can build their own machine guns. Big effing whoop. I only hope the dept of ATF is reading this thread. All I can say is WOW!

YogiBarrister   ·  January 18, 2008 01:27 AM

Robert, I'll answer your question if you answer mine. What is your name and address?

YogiBarrister   ·  January 18, 2008 01:29 AM

Its nice that you put words in my mouth, YogiBarrister. Now you are threatening to initiate violence against me for asking questions. How fascist of you. Why don't you give me your name and address instead. Huh, don't like it? Then don't threaten me again. Libertarians had no problem answering these questions. I think collectivists can't answer these questions. Are you going to prove me wrong? Answer the questions.

How does a Nation-State impose its will on its people?

What is meant by the term, "last argument of kings"?

I personally don't like David Koresh, I think he is a religious ignoramous. That's why I choose out of my own free-will not to join the Branch Davidians. I'm rather skeptical that he is "Jesus". Much of organized religion is a form of social control, in my opinion.

After answering those questions correctly. You will realize why I have no intention of killing police officers within my natural life span who are serving a warrant or who are arresting based on probable cause.

This leads to this question:

"What sort of technological trends would erode the Nation-State's ability to impose its will on 'its' people?"

M. Simon already mentioned one ofthese technological trends . Can you guess what that one was? What do you think the others are?

Robert   ·  January 18, 2008 02:10 AM

Robert, I didn't threaten you. You are a paranoid and delusional man, like quite a few here. You need help, just wanted to know where to send the men in white coats. You live in a democratic republic. You don't have a king. You have a representative government.
I only know that phrase from Patrick Henry. He was referring to British soldiers as the last argument of King George. Unless our George decides not to step down, you can vote for your next president. What concerns me is that you are insinuating that machine gun wielding rightwingers are what is standing between us and tryanny.
You're kind of bossy aren't you? Like you are controlling the debate. You aren't. Now I must ask you again, where do you live?

YogiBarrister   ·  January 18, 2008 02:21 AM

YogiBarrister said:

Robert, I didn't threaten you. You are a paranoid and delusional man, like quite a few here. You need help, just wanted to know where to send the men in white coats.

Highlights mine. Al-Capone didn't really kill his victims himself, he had hired thugs to do it for him.

My questions concern the Past History/Possible Future of the Nation-State near the end of this Century. Your refusal to answer them correctly is already forming a pattern. Every single collectivist I asked refused to answer or gave incorrect answers. All you have to do is google "last argument of kings" with respect to Nation-States in general. It has nothing to do specifically with British King George, it has everything to do with the beginnings of the Modern Nation-States in general. Libertarians easily answered my question.

Robert   ·  January 18, 2008 02:35 AM

Robert, you have a really creepy tone. I don't answer questions posed by rightwingers. I'm too old for that kind of nonsense. You live in a modern nation-state. You get all of the benefits, yet you are deluded into thinking you are a self made man. You can't have private property if you don't have some kind of government to protect your property. You can't do it by yourself, you must socialize to a degree.

YogiBarrister   ·  January 18, 2008 02:52 AM

Robert thinks he can control the debate with questions. He must have read a few sales books. Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not buying.
Rightwing nutters are a bigger problem in the US than Islamist extremists. In fact they are the flip side of the same coin. Next year we will have a new president. Hopefully it won't be another Republican. Our country can't afford that. If a Democrat does win, the true fascists in this country will be frothing at the mouth. Things are going to get even uglier thanks to a small minority of machine gun wielding, bomb building pink men.

YogiBarrister   ·  January 18, 2008 02:59 AM


Your too old to answer them? Old libertarians were able to answer them easily! Fascinating! The fact that you're fitting a pattern is surreal to me. Every single collectivist couldn't answer the first two questions correctly.

Are you afraid of a couple simple questions?

Google "last argument of kings" with respect to Nation-States in general to get an answer. I'm going to post this link to Samizdata. They are going to love this.

Robert   ·  January 18, 2008 03:09 AM

Stupid leftists can't win a debate or see beyond their own dogma. Responding to difficult questions in a debate by demanding the asker's name and address.


Lol   ·  January 18, 2008 05:21 AM

Robert, if you have such an important point to make, make it.
LOL, sorry little man, you have comments on this thread advocating the murder of law enforcement officials. WTF is so funny about that? You won't be laughing long my friend. LOL indeed! What a pathetic bunch of maladjusted, spoiled pink dopes, running around the woods playing soldier. We've seen how this plays out in the Mid-East. A small group of determined screw-ups can wreak havoc. What the good guys need to know is how many squirming Timothy McVeighs we have on our hands.

YogiBarrister   ·  January 18, 2008 12:29 PM
Robert, you have a really creepy tone. I don't answer questions posed by rightwingers.

A truer confession of intellectual and philosophical weakness is rarely seen in writing...

MikeT   ·  January 18, 2008 02:24 PM

MikeT, rightwingers have a habit of demanding people answer their idiotic questions. This blogger is advocating the murder of law enforcement officials. I won't demand that the creeps here answer any questions. I'll just do whatever I can to ensure these angry pink men don't have their way.

YogiBarrister   ·  January 18, 2008 03:40 PM

Armed Man Arrested Near US Capitol
Jan 18th, 2008 | WASHINGTON -- U.S. Capitol Police arrested a man carrying a rifle outside the Capitol building Friday, authorities said.

The man was in custody and no one was injured, police spokeswoman Sgt. Kimberly Schneider.

An officer first spotted the man near Union Station, about two blocks from the Capitol. A car belonging to the suspect was being searched
Has anyone seem M. Simon lately?

Anonymous   ·  January 18, 2008 03:46 PM


Can you tell me exactly what law would have prevented that?

After all hand guns are currently illegal in DC yet criminals seem to have no trouble obtaining them.

Or how about the UK. Hand guns are totally illegal in the UK yet the criminals seem better armed than ever.

So tell me what law will do the job?

Certain drugs are totally illegal in the USA. Could you please explain why they are so plentiful?

I can't believe the laws don't work. Why it just goes against everything that ought to be true.

M. Simon   ·  January 18, 2008 03:55 PM

YogiBarrister said:

I'll just do whatever I can to ensure these angry pink men don't have their way.

I sense a tinge of racism and warmongering. What about angry men of other colors
of the rainbow
. ;D

To help you answer these questions:

How does a Nation-State impose its will on its people?

What is meant by the term, "last argument of kings"?

I have placed a google search with the terms "last argument of kings" and "nation-state" to give you a hint for the second question.

Robert   ·  January 18, 2008 08:39 PM

Refusal to answer questions huh? YogiBarrister, you remind me of Young-Earth Creationists who refuse to answer questions that may disturb the core of their dogma.

Robert   ·  January 18, 2008 08:42 PM

YogiBarrister said:

Rightwing creeps can build their own machine guns. Big effing whoop.

Only machine guns?

Robert   ·  January 18, 2008 09:08 PM


He doesn't even have the courage to be a Maoist.

"Political power comes from the barrel of a gun"

American leftys are such wimps.

What is surprising is that he is a gun owner. That kind are the most dangerous to themselves because without the will to kill his gun will be used against him.

M. Simon   ·  January 18, 2008 09:14 PM


I believe in armed non-violence "Don't tread on me". A very old American tradition.

M. Simon   ·  January 18, 2008 09:16 PM

M. Simon:

I believe in armed non-violence "Don't tread on me". A very old American tradition.

I most absolutely agree. Plain and simple deterrence while leaving others alone who leave me alone. It is sorta related to this, "it is usually more profitable to peacefully trade with another person than to start a fight with that person."

Robert   ·  January 18, 2008 09:23 PM


You are nothing more than a pathetic little lying sack of shit.

No where did Robert advocate the cold blodded murder of police officers. Your entire arguments entirely consist of serial lies, putting words in other peoples mouth and making one strawman argument after another.

If you have some facts to add to the discussion then please speak them and stop masturbating in this thread.

You debate with the skill of a adolescent who has huffed way too much airplane glue.

Mark Parsons   ·  January 19, 2008 06:54 PM

Mark, I didn't realize until Eric
blog about the Norwegian comedians that this site is for gay republican's. Rest assured I will not be masturbating here in the future.
Now go back to your circle jerk you queer little douchebag.

YogiBarrister   ·  January 19, 2008 10:04 PM

YogiBarrister said:

Mark, I didn't realize until Eric
blog about the Norwegian comedians that this site is for gay republican's. Rest assured I will not be masturbating here in the future.
Now go back to your circle jerk you queer little douchebag.

How ironic that a leftist would say this. Can we say, "cognitive dissonance"?

Robert   ·  January 19, 2008 11:17 PM

Leftys are such poseurs.

Gay friendly for them is an affectation.

It looks like it is the same for race relations if what I've seen at DU is any indication. There was a post up calling Obama a "tan".

Now I don't care for his politics much - or his choice of church or friends (Al Sharpton? Give me a break). But I would never stoop to such comments.

Evidently such attitudes are not beneath Yogi.

I have often thought that minorities that are Democrats are suckers. Thanks Yogi for being an example.

Bigotry will destroy the Dems. After all Republicans were the abolitionist party and Dems supported the slavers. Or how about Woodrow Wilson our KKK President. Or how about the Democrat Lynchers. Looks like Yogi fits right in.

M. Simon   ·  January 19, 2008 11:43 PM

I apologize for the slur against gays. However gay rightwingers are an abomination. Not because of your sexual orientation, but because of your hypocrisy and self loathing. I promise this will be my last comment here. You may return to your regularly scheduled circle jerk, brought to you by the good folks at Log Cabin Syrup.
And M. Simon, you are a total scumbag for advocating the murder of law enforcement officials. You defended a pedophile and a murderer who molested his own children, then took them hostage.

YogiBarrister   ·  January 20, 2008 01:31 AM


Yogi please don't leave me!

I was only beginning to love you...

Eric Scheie   ·  January 20, 2008 09:21 AM

"And M. Simon, you are a total scumbag for advocating the murder of law enforcement officials. You defended a pedophile and a murderer who molested his own children, then took them hostage."

He did nothing of the sort, you are deliberately misrepresenting what he stated.

I would say the best part of Yogibarrister is his promise to leave.

In truth, the best part of Yogibarrister obviously ran down his mother's leg.

Mark Parsons   ·  January 20, 2008 12:24 PM

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