Comprehensive Anticipatory Design Science
An interview with R. Buckminster Fuller - Bucky to his friends

I had the honor of meeting Bucky at a number of his lectures and the supreme honor of living in his dome home in Carbondale for two weeks around 1974.This was after he sold it to Mike Mitchell who I worked with on a number of projects for about a year and a half.

Carbondale Dome Exterior
Carbondale Dome Exterior

Carbondale Dome Exterior
Carbondale Dome Exterior - Recent History

Carbondale Dome Exterior
Carbondale Dome Exterior

Carbondale Dome Interior

Update: Here is the wiki on Louis Kelso that discusses further the idea of people owning the means of production. Interestingly with things like the Individual Retirement Account over half of all Americans own stock, which is an interest in the means of production. So what Bucky and Kelso anticipated is slowly coming into being. As wealth multiplies the retirement age will decline over time and all that accumulated talent will be put to use for what each individual deems he can best contribute to his own and other's welfare.

In my own case I am retired on an exceedingly meager income, I do barely manage with a little help from my friends. So what have I done with my spare time? I have been working on increasing the energy supplies to all humans: Easy Low Cost No Radiation Fusion. I have been fortunate to be able to devote a year of my life so far to the study of Bussard Fusion. I think more and more people will devote themselves to such pursuits as time goes on. I expect as more and more people retire early the rate of wealth generation will accelerate. There really is not much point in idle retirement and in any case why waste the accumulated talent? The truth is that there will come a time when people don't need jobs. What they will need is work and they will be in the fortunate condition of being free to choose. As Bucky once put it: it will be an honor to be on the production team.

posted by Simon on 01.10.08 at 08:10 PM


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I recently read his 1983 book "Critical Path," which was amusing miguided in a lot of ways (he argued that the whole system of finance was a mistake that limited wealth, something we now know to be precisely wrong), but a lot of it was very insightful and interesting.

TallDave   ·  January 11, 2008 12:33 PM


Agreed. His fascination with socialism/communism I attribute to his knowing the capitalists well and being largely ignorant of the inner workings of the communists/socialists.

None the less he got the trajectory right IMO.

M. Simon   ·  January 11, 2008 12:40 PM

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