Yet another school shooting by a psychotic adult

Another school shooting -- this one at an Amish school in Pennsylvania.

The earlier report didn't identify the shooter, but this one does. Apparently he singled out girls, tied them up and killed them:

The shooter, identified as Charles Roberts IV, 32, sent the male students and some adult females out of the school, bound the young female students and shot them execution style near the blackboard, Comm. Jeffrey Miller said.

Roberts said Roberts was a husband, father of three and milk truck driver from Bart, Pa. His wife said she suspected nothing Monday morning as her husband walked her children to their bus stop. She said she left the house, then came home later to find what appeared to be several suicide notes to her and the children.

More on his identity here:
Among those who are dead are the shooter identified as Charles Carl Roberts who turned the gun on himself after igniting the shooting spree.
No idea whether Roberts is Amish. It wouldn't much matter, except that the way the headlines talk about "Amish school shooting," some people might take that to mean an Amish shooter was involved.

I tend to doubt the shooter was Amish, because traditional Amish don't drive trucks, and they're extremely law abiding people.

But anyone can go crazy.

Here's more. Apparently, the shooter bore some sort of grudge:

Police said he told his wife that he was acting out for revenge for something that happened 20 years ago. Investigators are trying to figure out what that incident is.

Roberts was not wanted for any crimes. Investigators don't believe Roberts had a criminal record and they don't think there was a specific reason that he went into this particular Amish school.

I'd say he has to be a psycho. The children weren't born 20 years ago.

UPDATE: The shooter was not Amish [something I did not see in any earlier report]:

Roberts was a 32-year-old milk tanker truck driver from Bart, Pennsylvania.

He was not Amish.

Pennsylvania Police Commissioner Colonel Jeffrey Miller says the murders were revenge for an incident that occurred 20 years ago.
It's an awful, awful crime, and I hope the man rots in hell.

But he's the guy who did it. Not someone who mistreated him 20 years ago. Not the permissive culture. Not Charlton Heston. Not goth or punk music. Not even the major news media for reporting these stories.

(I refuse to subscribe to blame-the-village thinking.)

posted by Eric on 10.02.06 at 02:34 PM


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» Living With Mutants from Alphecca
What do they say, bad news comes in three's? Three school shootings in the space of a week. Add in the one in Canada a couple weeks ago and it's enough to depress anyone about the state of the human... [Read More]
Tracked on October 3, 2006 04:58 AM
» Living With Mutants from Alphecca
What do they say, bad news comes in three's? Three school shootings in the space of a week. Add in the one in Canada a couple weeks ago and it's enough to depress anyone about the state of the human... [Read More]
Tracked on October 3, 2006 05:03 AM
» Living With Mutants from Alphecca
What do they say, bad news comes in three's? Three school shootings in the space of a week. Add in the one in Canada a couple weeks ago and it's enough to depress almost anybody about the state of the... [Read More]
Tracked on October 3, 2006 05:05 AM


You'd have to be retarded to assume the shooter was amish.

jpe   ·  October 2, 2006 07:58 PM

Don't see why that is true. It would be surprising, even astonishing, but not outside the realm of human possibility.

Gerard Vanderleun   ·  October 2, 2006 08:01 PM

As a matter of fact, I first heard about the story as an Amish shooting, which was what interested me, as that didn't sound likely. But it is certainly possible; unlikely as it sounds there actually was an Amish drug-dealing scandal a few years back.

MORE: It's even mentioned here:

Eric Scheie   ·  October 2, 2006 08:51 PM

Clearly, what is needed is a law forbidding weapons near schools. Then, this kind of thing wouldn't happen anymore!

...What? We already have that law?

Then, what is clearly needed is a doubling of the radius of this weapons-free zone!

Jon Thompson   ·  October 3, 2006 02:05 AM
manp   ·  October 18, 2006 02:23 PM

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