The Helen Thomas flotilla

The much-beloved (by the left and by Barack Obama) Helen Thomas is in the news for saying that the Jews should go back to Poland:

The grande dame of the Washington press corps put her foot in her mouth with an answer at the White House last week, suggesting Jews should "get the hell out of Palestine" and "go back home to Poland, Germany, America and everywhere else."
So when a widely respected American journalist says the Jews should go back to Poland, she merely put her foot in her mouth?

Considering what happened to the Jews in Poland, I'd call her remarks nothing less than raving anti-Semitism.

And there seems to be a lot of it going around. Thomas's remarks were echoed by flotilla "activists" whose voices were recorded by IDF forces in "an audio reproduction of the moments before Monday's raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla."

In it, the soldiers can be heard warning the flotilla that its vessels are nearing an area under naval blockade. They are answered by calls of "Go back to Auschwitz" and "Don't forget 9/11 guys".
The flotilla activists might not be as educated as Helen Thomas, but I'm sure they not only know what happened at Auschwitz, but know (as Thomas certainly knows) that Auschwitz is in Poland.


MORE: Via Drudge, a touching photo:


(I guess she's just some girl in the neighborhood, right?)

posted by Eric on 06.05.10 at 10:00 AM


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Some say that Israel doesn't understand 4g war and all the PR junk. However, one thing that is coming from the stopping of this flotilla is that many hidden enemies are revealing themselves. Publicly and quite disgustingly.

JKB   ·  June 5, 2010 01:13 PM

Wait, I thought the Holocaust is a myth perpetrated by Zionists to guilt the West into supporting the creation of the state of Israel. Auschwitz is part of that myth, right?

HT's comments actually make sense only if you believe the above, which I'm certain she does not.

Meanwhile, Islamists who almost certainly pretend to believe that the Holocaust is a myth, say "Go back to Auschwitz?"


Pious Agnostic   ·  June 5, 2010 09:20 PM

Helen Thomas needs to be confined to a dementia ward.

JR   ·  June 6, 2010 12:32 AM

In Hell there is a ship waiting for Helen Thomas. It is eternally consumed in flames and sails past port after port where the passengers believe they will be allowed to get off. If there is any justice, this old hag will forever have her own Voyage of the Damned.

Frank   ·  June 6, 2010 02:37 AM

Wanna take bets that Helen will happily "cover" the Tenth anniversary of 9/11 at the grand opening of the 13 story "Cordoba House" mosque at Ground Zero?

Darleen   ·  June 6, 2010 12:29 PM

You can see video of the Thomas interview at:

M. Simon   ·  June 6, 2010 12:37 PM

Except that the IDF recording of the "terrorists" phrases were published 6 days after the first video was released. in that video the same solider (seen in the still picture of the new recording) calling on the Mavi Marmara and no response was put forth. This has been consistent for 5 days, the video was played over and over again. I'm basically saying that this last release is a desperate fabrication. One of the voices was of an activists that was on the other ship, although in the first video, the message (exact message) of the solider was to Mavi Marmara. Do NOT take my word for it, check for yourself. it seems as though, Israelis fabricated this retrospectively, to justify their treatment of some of the activists.
Also, I don't think Helen was saying Jews should re-experience the Holocaust again in Poland and Germany. She was saying that, may be inappropriately, maybe not, that many of them are of Polish, German and American ancestry. was she trying to make a political statement? yes I think, she may have a point she may not. That's for you to make out. but I think it is unacceptable to shush her up by invoking the holocaust.

Hammam   ·  June 7, 2010 07:07 PM

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