Crazy Tax

Schizophrenics like to self medicate with tobacco - a LOT.

Schizophrenia and Tobacco

And they are among the heaviest of tobacco users. So maybe we need to call the tobacco tax a Schizophrenia Tax.

If we can raise tobacco taxes high enough maybe there will come a day when only crazy people will pay taxes.

Inspired by this Matt Yglesias piece.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 05.08.09 at 02:42 AM


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If you were a social engineer, you would understand that raising the tax will result in less schizophrenia. If we raise it high enough, we will cure the disease.

SteveBrooklineMA   ·  May 8, 2009 12:41 PM

taxes are to pay for necessary expenses

they are not supposed to be for social engineering expeirments on people without their permission, or knowlege.

and thats what they do, since their theories are screwed and things dont pan out, they just tend to make crap up, change the conditions of peoples lives, then see what happens.

like stalins missive that one is a trajedy many is a statistic..

one is something you need to watch out and get permissing for, and hippa compliance.

a group, screw all that, lets just experiment on them by changing these conditions and subject them to it, and tell them the thing is great and then see if it does what we want it to.

at what point does the concept of rule by sociopaths and people with the same mentality of mengele but not the same overt will, be seen for what they are. subversives who are working to force a change in peple against their will.

for if they explained in detail things, no one would side with them any more than german people would really have wanted to exterminate people. once it gets to far, and once its normalized, even good people will do these things.

no parent even questions the experiments done to children in the name of touted improvments.

but the kicker is that they dont see that when they dont work out, they leave the victims with deasease, broken homes, mental conidtions, lives less than what they could be, a society denied these peoples normality, and so on.


artfldgr   ·  May 8, 2009 04:59 PM

taxes are to pay for necessary expenses

they are not supposed to be for social engineering expeirments on people without their permission, or knowlege.

and thats what they do, since their theories are screwed and things dont pan out, they just tend to make crap up, change the conditions of peoples lives, then see what happens.

like stalins missive that one is a trajedy many is a statistic..

one is something you need to watch out and get permissing for, and hippa compliance.

a group, screw all that, lets just experiment on them by changing these conditions and subject them to it, and tell them the thing is great and then see if it does what we want it to.

at what point does the concept of rule by sociopaths and people with the same mentality of mengele but not the same overt will, be seen for what they are. subversives who are working to force a change in peple against their will.

for if they explained in detail things, no one would side with them any more than german people would really have wanted to exterminate people. once it gets to far, and once its normalized, even good people will do these things.

no parent even questions the experiments done to children in the name of touted improvments.

but the kicker is that they dont see that when they dont work out, they leave the victims with deasease, broken homes, mental conidtions, lives less than what they could be, a society denied these peoples normality, and so on.


artfldgr   ·  May 8, 2009 05:00 PM

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