Guns And Drugs

The Democrats are going to use prohibition induced violence to take away our gun rights. Because only criminals should be allowed to have guns or drugs.

I have been saying for several decades that drug prohibition would lead to gun prohibition. Way to go Conservatives. Because like you know. Prohibition works.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 03.12.09 at 04:53 PM


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If they ban guns, people will just smuggle them into the country hidden in bales of marijuana.

Carl Henderson   ·  March 12, 2009 05:22 PM


Nice one!

M. Simon   ·  March 12, 2009 05:50 PM

Like hell they are going to take my guns!
No government enforcer will take my God-given right to defend myself away. Any attempt at prohibition will end in uttler failure, just as the so-called war on drugs has, by creating a huge underground economy trading in weapons. Who do Obama and Holder think they are kidding? There are by some estimates ~ 200 million guns in circulation in the United States. They are not getting them all off the street, it simply isn't possible, even if we wanted to do it. Pandora's Box has been opened already, and there's no closing it.

If some BATFE agent comes to my door, I'll tell him my guns were stolen, or have buried them, or smuggled them out of state, or any number of other options. And if they suceed in catching me off-guard, then hello, underground economy!

There are some things Americans won't stand for, and this is one of them. Second amendment rights are the keystone of our Bill of Rights, because the threat of an armed and angry population guarantees our other basic rights. We won't stand for them being trampled upon.

Pete   ·  March 13, 2009 01:55 AM

I'm almost looking forward to the days where guns are completely illegal, 90% of homes have one, and they only cost $10.

Phelp   ·  March 13, 2009 11:12 AM

They are both absolutely full of shit on American guns showing up in Mexico.

Bram   ·  March 13, 2009 03:58 PM

Let me remind you that about 90% of the American public supports keeping the current illegal drugs illegal. Unless you think that 90% of the American public is conservative....

Clayton E. Cramer   ·  March 13, 2009 07:01 PM

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