No Little Screw Ups Will Be Rewarded

Fred is hilarious. Sadly. (about 8 1/2 minutes)

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Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 12.02.08 at 03:35 PM


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I hope the reason there aren't any comments yet is everyone is shocked and bewildered at our cataclysmic idiocy and misfortune in not somehow propelling Fred onto the Republican ticket this past summer. The difference between a Fred Thompson presidency and either a McCain or an Obama presidency would be radical ... we're talking like two different worlds: one basically leading to more freedom and liberty and wealth -- the other leading to increased government dependency, poverty, and abrogation of individual responsibilities.

Fred Strauss   ·  December 2, 2008 06:54 PM

Damn, if this Fred had shown himself during primary season we might not be stuck with the One this coming January.

Captain Ned   ·  December 2, 2008 09:27 PM

He did, Cap'n. Not only was he not covered well, everyone kept repeating the same silly falsehoods about how he didn't really want it, so he didn't have the requisite fire in the belly.

I don't want politicians who burn to rule.

Brett   ·  December 3, 2008 08:07 AM

This is why I was, am and always will be a FredHead. And I have the bumper sticker on my car and mugs/signs to prove it. Damn but I love that man!!

And he finishes up with a Rush-type cigar. LOL.

Peg C.   ·  December 4, 2008 08:21 AM

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