Right Wing Progressives

Jonah Goldberg is discussing his book Liberal Fascism at Salon.

I don't have any problem with liberals or conservatives criticizing stuff that goes on in the popular culture ... [I]t's when you want to dragoon the state into these things, everything from hate crimes to these early interventions in childhood. You read "It Takes a Village" and Hillary [Clinton] declares that basically we're in a crisis from the moment we're born and that justifies the helping professions from breaking into the nuclear family at the earliest possible age.

You have a lot of this stuff on the right, I agree. [George W.] Bush had his marriage counseling stuff that he wanted to propose, I didn't like that. I think Ashcroft gets a very bad rap, but one of the things I did not like was him basically having this philosophy that since the federal government was an agent for a left-wing agenda that therefore it should be an agent for a right-wing agenda. I agree with you to that extent, that that stuff is bad, and it constitutes a kind of right-wing progressivism that I really do not like....

Well I don't like it either. But the progressives and the social conservatives had a long history together. Public schools, alcohol prohibition, drug prohibition. A history of failure. You know maybe the state is no better at solving social problems than it is at solving economic problems. Ya think?

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 11.20.08 at 12:05 PM


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Considering the % of Religious who voted for the government's Golden Entitlement COins itt would appear the lust for shiny coins is greater than their belief in their faith.

Put another way, what Social Conservatives?

Religion is not the problem, the problem is Collectivism; this system of misery encourges the Religious to betray their faith if an opportunity arises which holds greater value.

Why fret of over the Religious voter when lustful greed is doing the talking?

syn   ·  November 20, 2008 12:35 PM

Abolish public education and give tax incentives for private schooling and home schooling and all the other social issues will fall off the government radar within a single generation.

darelf   ·  November 20, 2008 12:44 PM

"all the other social issues will fall off the government radar within a single generation."

Perhaps however considering the bigger cultural influence is Entertainment not Education therefore not much will change since the current generation gets all their information from Jon Stewart.

Seriously, so many problems would vanish if Americans stopped funding the Hollywood Entertainnment Industry where the Storytellers are Stalinist who have a specific message to sell.

And sell they do.

With lots of profit to show for their efforts.

syn   ·  November 20, 2008 12:52 PM


I don't particularly want children to go to "Grade School! Sponsored by Taco Bell! Where the curriculum is loaded with extreme flavor!"

Dr. Nobel Dynamite   ·  November 20, 2008 02:09 PM

That's not your decision, Dr. If a parent chooses to enroll their chid at Taco Bell Grade School, it's none of your business. You get to concern yourself with the educational choices for your kids.

See? It isn't just religion. It's everybody wanting to tell other people what their choices MUST be.

THAT is why I homeschooled. I did not want anyone to tell us we had to include religious instruction or I couldn't.

Opposite sides of the authoritarian coin.

Mrs. du Toit   ·  November 20, 2008 05:14 PM

I didn't homeschool, I don't have the personality, patience, organization... and I'm sure I'm lacking a few other things required to do it.

But I did involve myself with my children's school work and encouraged them to question everything they were told.

They understood why because I told them about my first grade teacher who called me a liar for telling about the forest fire I saw that summer, and about my second grade teacher who called me stupid for answering that Oklahoma City was the capital of Oklahoma. She thought it was Tulsa.

I'd visited the capital building in Oklahoma the summer between 1st and 2nd grade, but that so made me doubt myself, I googled "capital of Oklahoma" before posting this.

I "homeschooled" my children on how to use the library and how to verify information. I also sent them to parochial and private schools because I wanted them to get a good basic education without the distraction of gangs, drugs, and pop culture.

What they were taught in religion classes there about the history of the Catholic Church helped them tremendously in understanding later secular courses in history and literature.

I'm happy with the results :-)

Donna B.   ·  November 20, 2008 09:07 PM


The way the Republican Party handles its religious wing is in fact a form of collectivism. Cultural Collectivism.

As I have shown in this bit there are different religious views (and an ancient tradition at that) on abortion and the value of a fetus. Yet the Republican Party takes a one size fits all approach to that.

It is all about enlarging the tent.

M. Simon   ·  November 20, 2008 09:25 PM

Mrs. Du Toit

Note that I did not say that children shouldn't be allowed to go to a Taco Bell brand school. I simply stated that I prefer if children were not educated in one.

You certainly have the right to educate your child as you see fit, but that does not mean that others lose the right to have opinions about the best way to educate the children in general.

Dr. Nobel Dynamite   ·  November 21, 2008 10:19 AM

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