Republicans Need A Hawaiian On The Ticket

May I suggest Linda Lingle a two term Republican Governor of Hawaii. She won her last election in a Democrat state by 62.5% to 35.4%. She is Jewish, which might help peel NY-31, NJ-15, and FL-27 from the Democrat column. That is 73 Electoral College votes. I think the help in those states would be especially strong if Obama knocks Hillary out of the race.

Linda Lingle On The Issues. Be sure to scroll all the way down to see how she rates on the World's Smallest Political Quiz.

Note: I decided to cross post this here (from Power and Control) in response to Eric's recent post suggesting (as an aside) a McCain/Lieberman ticket. At least Lingle is a Republican (by Party affiliation if not by positions).

Welcome Instapundit readers.

posted by Simon on 05.27.08 at 12:44 PM


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She won me over on Gambling.

Oregon's Department of Human Services continues to report more than 75,000 Oregonians with "problem gambling".

Of course, on their web-page, they are proud to point out their good works: "Oregon is recognized nationally as a leader in the field of problem gambling services."

Oregon. We do things differently here.


OregonGuy   ·  May 27, 2008 02:01 PM

Move to DC from Hawaii?

rmark   ·  May 27, 2008 03:55 PM

"Move to DC from Hawaii? "

For the chance to jump from obscurity for a VP job and a place in history as the first woman VP, yes.

Priorities, priorities.

However, she has been divorced twice. That is not good. I think Jodi Rell of CT is better.

Tood   ·  May 27, 2008 05:50 PM

funny, Oregon DHS gets an awful lot of its funding from lottery and video poker revenues...

Gullyborg   ·  May 27, 2008 05:56 PM

It also keeps Nevada completely income-tax free. The gambling industry in Nevada is a massive money maker for the state.

Regolith   ·  May 27, 2008 06:15 PM

I'm sold. Lingle or Palin.

DaveO   ·  May 27, 2008 06:31 PM

Linda Lingle is a RINO who supports the Akaka Bill, which would impose an unconstitutional race based government on the state of Hawaii.

Ecurb   ·  May 27, 2008 06:55 PM

Make EPA a cabinet level position? That kills it right there.

MIke   ·  May 27, 2008 07:05 PM

If he picks her would that make McCain a cunning lingleist?

FAR   ·  May 27, 2008 07:18 PM

If he picks her would that make McCain a cunning lingleist?

FAR   ·  May 27, 2008 07:19 PM

A pro-choice Jewish woman with, er, longtime rumors regarding her sexual identity? That's a tough sell to the GOP's cultural conservatives, don't you think?

DJ   ·  May 27, 2008 07:57 PM


The cultural conservatives are gone anyway. Might as well eat into the D demographic to make up the difference.

Personally I'd like to have a small government party. Barring that, I'll take a liberal government that wants to beat the jihadis.

If we are going to have big government I don't want socons running it.

M. Simon   ·  May 27, 2008 08:06 PM

I'd vote for that ticket in a second, but the religious right won't go for it: she's pro-choice.

student   ·  May 27, 2008 09:05 PM

I'd vote for that ticket in a second, but the religious right won't go for it: she's pro-choice.

student   ·  May 27, 2008 09:05 PM

It seems everyone wants to essentially surrender and put a RINO (or in Jonah Goldberg's case, an actual Democrat) on the ticket with McCain.

Wouldn't it be better to have a VP who actually brings people to the ticket, instead of pushing away the voters we actually have?

Here's a brazen idea: let's put a real conservative on the ticket with McCain (someone who could be a great President in 2012) and start a GOP renewal by refocusing the party on conservative prinicples.

Ryan Booth   ·  May 27, 2008 09:50 PM

but the religious right won't go for it: she's pro-choice

the religious right won't go for McCain either: he's pro-life

May be we can ignore the religious right?

ic   ·  May 27, 2008 09:52 PM

Look, I'm voting for McCain anyway - I'm not happy about it, but he is the slightly lesser of three evils. That said, however, I still get the feeling his attitude could be summed up as, "Hey conservatives, neener-neener, you gotta vote for me even if I key you car and kick your dog - cuz if you don't... you're gonna get Obama - oops, excuse me I'm gonna go pee on your grandmother... and haha, you're still voting for me."
So I'm begging, please don't give him any ideas that will make it any harder for me to pull the lever for him in November.

mike   ·  May 27, 2008 10:18 PM

It seems everyone wants to essentially surrender and put a RINO (or in Jonah Goldberg's case, an actual Democrat) on the ticket with McCain.

Wouldn't it be better to have a VP who actually brings people to the ticket, instead of pushing away the voters we actually have?

Here's a brazen idea: let's put a real conservative on the ticket with McCain (someone who could be a great President in 2012) and start a GOP renewal by refocusing the party on conservative prinicples.

I believe in conservative principles. Before the end of the first trimester abortion is none of the governments damn business.

And I'm a real conservative. Tobacco and pot are none of the governments damn business.

I've studied the global warming science very carefully and from this engineer's perspective it is a total crock.

None the less I'm a strong supporter of MCain. Despite my very Libertarianish tendencies.

Make it harder for you to vote for McCain? You have no idea how hard it is for me to vote for the crap the GOP serves up to me. But you know there is a fookin war on and my pet issues can wait until our civilization is properly secured.

In any case the VP has absolutely nothing to do with making or signing abortion laws. If it can give us a win in any of the states I mentioned I'm for her.

The election is going to be a dog fight and the MSM is white hot for Obama in a way they were not for Kerry (he did have their wind at his back). I want every stinking advantage I can get in the coming election. Even if it means giving up many of my most cherished positions and principles.

Civilization depends on it.

Rachel Lucas has it right:

F^*k It - McCain '08
The least Repulsive Democrat Running


Because Civilization Comes First

M. Simon   ·  May 28, 2008 12:38 AM

I prefer the Gov. of Alaska. She rocks!

Brenda   ·  May 28, 2008 12:59 AM

Any chance that putting a woman on the ticket will allow the GOP to pick up dissaffected Hillary supporters?

harold beagle   ·  May 28, 2008 02:00 AM

Did anyone else follow the links to She's Yet Another Compassionate Conservative.

NOT a good idea. I'm just sayin'...

Casey   ·  May 28, 2008 11:02 PM


With the right of the party deserting it the calculus is that there is a need to peel off Democrats. I do think the Hawaii Governor is more to the right and may be a better choice than the Alaska Governor.

However, if McCain is smart he will wait until the Ds make their pick and counter punch.

M. Simon   ·  May 28, 2008 11:44 PM

Re the World's Smallest Political Quiz, the site also plots Don Rumsfeld as a dead-center Centrist. Both results come of too little concrete information upon which to base answers to the quiz's questions.

Like many here, I've already decided this election is more about long-term big issues like GWOT and the judiciary than individual policy points. Sen. McCain could choose HRC and I'd still probably vote for him over Sen. Obama.

submandave   ·  May 30, 2008 11:26 AM

I'm from Hawaii and a Republican. Very few republicans there. It says *alot* than a repub. governor has been elected. SHe's been very good for the economy of Hawaii. She'd make a fine VP, but nobody knows her. Hawaii is small. Nobody campaigns there. Politically, Hawaii is insignificant.

Obama vs McCain, well Obama is a Hawaiian, McCain is not. Real tough call, Iraq vs science vs environmental issues. (We care about the envt in Hawaii a great deal). Honestly I dont know who I will vote for.

Rob   ·  May 30, 2008 11:30 AM

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