
While it wasn't much of a surprise to see Hillary Clinton win Kentucky, the fact that she won by more than a 2-1 margin (65%-30%, with 91% of the vote in) ought to send a shiver down whatever spine the Democrats have. It's not a pretty picture for them, because the sharp, deep division means that neither Obama nor Hillary (both of whom have high negatives with certain groups of voters) can really run with any confidence of having the whole party behind them.

For the time being, Republicans ought to be happy that this fighting is keeping McCain in a competitive position.

UPDATE: My thanks to Glenn Reynolds for the link, and welcome all!

Comments welcome.

posted by Eric on 05.20.08 at 08:53 PM


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Operation Chaos

d   ·  May 20, 2008 09:20 PM

For the time being, Republicans ought to be happy that this fighting is keeping McCain in a competitive position.

That won't go on for much longer. Both McCain and the GOP have pretty much wasted the opportunities presented by the blue-on-blue fratricide in the Democrat Party over the last several months.

Earmark reform? Nope! Cutting pork? Not at the expense of the beloved farm bill! Ethics reform? No way! Holding Democrats responsible for their many failures in racking up the worst Congressional approval ratings in history? Perish the thought! Point out that Democrats lied about the surge in Iraq? Ditto. Speak out against the nuclear-hot identity politics roiling the Democrat Party? No, no, a thousand times no - “bipartisanship” mean Democrats demonize Republicans and Republicans demonize Republicans. Heckfire - the national GOP contents itself these days with slamming the North Carolina and Tennessee Republican Party organizations for daring to run ads criticizing He Whose Middle Name Must Not Be Mentioned.

Get ready for another GOP blowout loss in November.

Mwalimu Daudi   ·  May 20, 2008 10:13 PM

The best thing for America would be :

1) McCain wins the WH, keeping the dangerous leftism of Obama and his followers away.
2) The GOP loses a ton of House and Senate seats, so that they learn the error of their ways. This will also cause necessary and beneficial conflict between blue-dog vs. fifth-column leftist Democrats.

A McCain Presidency and Democrat Congress may be the best bet.

james   ·  May 20, 2008 10:21 PM

I'm an economic and foreign relations conservative, and a social liberal, but I must say that I find the dichotomies on the Republican side much less substantial as those on the Democratic side.

McCain is far from my _ideal_ candidate, but he is so superior to either Democratic candidate that I _will_ be voting for him in November.

AnAveragfeAmerican   ·  May 20, 2008 10:22 PM

I'm an economic and foreign relations conservative, and a social liberal, but I must say that I find the dichotomies on the Republican side much less substantial as those on the Democratic side.

McCain is far from my _ideal_ candidate, but he is so superior to either Democratic candidate that I _will_ be voting for him in November.

AnAverageAmerican   ·  May 20, 2008 10:23 PM

The tension of the two parties, balanced, watching each other is a good thing.

It's the same with capitalism. The discipline inspired by someone trying to eat your lunch inspires performance. If one party comes to dominate the tension goes away and the performance suffers. McCain plus a Dem Congress = a return to a surplus.

another james   ·  May 20, 2008 10:49 PM

The tension of the two parties, balanced, watching each other is a good thing.

But that is not the case even now. The GOP is terrified of its own shadow, and has been for some time. Under these circumstances holding Democrats responsible for their actions is out of the question. How can there be accountability in a political system if one side abandons its responsibility?

Far more likely is this scenario: both McCain and Congressional GOP candidates get demolished in a landslide. You cannot beat your political opponent if you will not campaign against his/her dangerous ideas. Worse still is when you will not offer any ideas of your own. This is the current GOP sitiation.

It's all too true (as one wit put it) that the GOP's slogan is: Vote Republican - We Are Not As Bad As You Think. For some strange reason I don't think people will rally to that banner.

Mwalimu Daudi   ·  May 20, 2008 11:18 PM

Vote Republican - We're Not As Bad As You Think!

Catchy. I like it. I like it a lot better than Put down your gun and vote for me, you ignorant racist troglodyte!

GeoffB   ·  May 21, 2008 12:19 AM

No fair James. I blogged that Futurist post here.

Support your local blogger Or else.

And yes it is quite an interesting read.

M. Simon   ·  May 21, 2008 01:17 AM

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