Stop Barack Obama

I just came across a blog Stop Barack Obama that has a post up by an anti-fascist Black guy In Defence of Hate Speech, Lies, and Obama. "The center" refers to photos on the site.

The next clown to diss sanity and discuss Black Liberation Apology on "Nation Publican Radio," was the braided brotha in the center- Professor Dwight Hopkins. Obama's been doing a lot of misleading on the term "professor" so if you want to see the minimum publication list required of a "professor," check out Dwight's.

Today, Prof Dwight, a professed member of Obama's church, applied his impressive intellect to the defense of Hate-Speech.

The guy is white hot and hates Obama with an undisguised passion.

There are a number of other bloggers on the site. Well worth a read.

HT Commenter bg at Gateway Pundit

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 04.02.08 at 07:53 AM


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"hates Obama with an undisguised passion"

The hate is the important part, right, M?

Ever wonder what group the rubes the wingnuts have been stirring up over the past seven years will turn their hate on next, M?

The 90% of American Jews who will be voting for Hillary or Obama in November do.

alphie   ·  April 2, 2008 10:28 AM


The guy I quoted alphie is a Black Democrat.

But you know? I like your conspiracy theory. You keep that kind of thinking up alphie. Ya heah?

So you think the Democrats have lost the Jews? That means FL gone. NY gone. NJ gone. Gonna be a tough year for the DemoKKKrats.

If you have a look around Stop Obama you will find he has caused a few of them to tune into Fox News - O'Reilly alphie - fookin O'Rielly. Something they couldn't have imagined six months ago. And you know what else? More than one is going to vote for Old Man McCain.

The Republican Plan to feature Obama at the '04 Dem Convention was a move of genius, don't ya think?

Ya all come back soon ya heah.

We need your enlightened wisdom.

M. Simon   ·  April 2, 2008 01:07 PM

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