Teach Them A Lesson

I'm seeing a general discontent with politics I haven't seen in other election years. The Right is not solidly for McCain. The left hasn't even made their final choice. At Talk Left one commenter expresses it this way:

With endorsers like Ted Kennedy and John Kerry, how does he shake off the "superLiberal" tag. I can almost imagine McCain winning. Well maybe the democrats need to learn more lessons.

by felizarte on Sat Feb 16, 2008 at 06:53:05 PM EST

You know that is the same thing Republicans say about their party. It needs to learn more lessons.

I think this election will be determined by who wants to lose the most.

H/T Instapundit

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 02.17.08 at 01:23 AM


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That this general discontent is simultaneously being accompanied by record voter turnout may indicate emerging demographic changes which defy traditional analysis. (I hope this does not favor the Dems in November.)

Eric Scheie   ·  February 17, 2008 10:13 AM

Unfortunately the trend is not towards more voter turnout, but lowered. The two parties are set to continue the historical trend that has been ongoing for decades and I expect that this election will be within the range defined by the regression towards the mean slope. That range is not pleasant to think about with a range of 48-54% turnout, by my back of the envelope calculations.

Each party has been turning *off* a section of the American population and that is set to continue from both parties. The 'wilderness' time is no longer spent looking for those people to demonstrate that they have value in the two party system. We are now very close to hard core ideologs voting as the primary deciders of US elections and with the general population no longer taking part... that is not 'giving the vote to those who care about voting'. That is being so distanced from democracy that the population no longer sees a point in taking part. Remember that when you hear 'amongst likely voters' for polls: they no longer measure this large plurality that may, just may, become the majority after this election. The founding generation warned us this could happen due to the structure of the system designed and human nature in democracies and republics. And their warnings about what happens *after* that goes on is not pleasant to think about.

ajacksonian   ·  February 18, 2008 03:25 PM

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