There is no authority but Bob!

(...but I'm afraid Classical Values is stuck with being his prophet...)

Well, I am glad to see it's finally official. Via a link at LGF, I see that Baghdad Bob has been officially designated as the spokesman for Air America!


The fellow who recognized Bob's authority was also kind enough to stick pretty closely to the text of his words of last April:

"There is no scandal in Air America. No, never! Be assured. It is safe, protected. I can assure you that those infidels will recognize, will discover in appropriate time in the future how stupid they are and how they are pretending things which have never taken place."
Yes, the words are true. Then and now. For poor Bob been issuing such utterances tirelessly in his job as chief Air America spokesman -- a position he's held since April 15, 2004. On that date, the famed InstaLiar Reynolds was forced to recognize him as Air America's true spokesman (although Captain Ed was also beaten into submission more recently).

It's been a long time coming but I join Bob in expressing relief that others have finally acknowledged his true authority.

It's official!

All must bow before him!

UPDATE (08/14/05): I now see that iHillary has cloned my dog Coco -- and has additionally assigned human features to a known unclean animal. As punishment for such effrontery, Bob insists that I sentence him to the Classical Values blogroll. I have no choice but to comply.)

posted by Eric on 08.13.05 at 08:39 AM


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Once again, the style of the titles of your posts!: There is no Authority but BOB.... ....and Jack T. Chick is His Prophet.

I know, that comment is kind of funny coming from a humorless dogmatist like me. That's just the way it is.

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