New focus for old Locust?

A plague of locusts has descended on me today!

First the religious conservatives took my blog away (effectively delinking me from my own blog), and now a religious fanatic with a biblical name has declared War on Classical Values!

Moreover, in a most un-Christian and un-Pagan manner, he has dared to delink me!

My heart bleeds for Eric. Therefore, I hereby declare a blog war against Classical Values! Although I had not linked to him before, I pulled up Blogger, linked to Eric, and then delinked him immediately. I command my legion of slavishly loyal blog readers to do likewise. Destroy Classical Values!
This smacks of religious intolerance -- nay, religious persecution, and betokens greater plagues to come.

I don't know how long I can hold out.

Under the circumstances, all I can do is make resort of an old pagan expression: "turn the other cheek!" Like Easter, Christmas, New Years, Thanksgiving, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Groundhog Day, and many other Pagan traditions, Other Cheekiness was long ago misappropriated by Christians. But I still believe in turning the other cheek, so I am linking to Locusts and Honey while I still have what little remains of this blog.

I feel obligated to point out that the Biblical "locusts and honey" reference may be code language for hallucinogenic mushrooms:

Baptism, of course, was central to the Essene rite of initiation. The Hebrew word translated as 'Baptist' is Tabbal, 'dipper' or 'dyer.' As Allegro shows, this is cognate with Akkadian tabarru, 'red dye' and Latin tablion, 'purple fringe,' all derived from the Sumerian TAB-BALI, 'mushroom,' literally 'twin cone.' The only red mushroom that has, historically, caused religious excitement in the Near East, is Soma, Amanita muscaria. The Bible is indicating just what kind of 'baptism' John gave Jesus. The play on guba, 'edible locust,' John's food and gab'a, 'mushroom,' is just one of many word-plays in the John story typical of the mystery religions.
You see? Isn't it obvious?


Locusts were once peace-loving mushrooms!

And what have they done to this joyously cosmic symbology? Why, they've turned locusts into plagues and mushrooms into symbols of war!

Christian Pagan/Pagan Christian Apostates unite!

posted by Eric on 04.01.05 at 05:09 PM


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