War is Hill!

The Hillary Clinton campaign is fighting mad about "Swift Boat" tactics, and they're not going to take it!

In a fund-raising e-mail message sent out on Thursday, Mrs. Clinton's campaign also said her critics were preparing an advertising campaign against her similar to the one orchestrated by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a group that attacked Senator John Kerry's Vietnam service during the presidential election.

"The right wing is already getting ready, naming Hillary as their 'No. 1 target' and boasting about their 'Swift Boat' style ads," said the e-mail message, which was sent by Ann F. Lewis, the director of communications for Mrs. Clinton's campaign committee, Friends of Hillary. "Help us show the right wing that we will be ready and able to fight back."

In many respects, the fund-raising letter is a fairly standard piece of campaign literature, employing the kind of scare tactics that Republican and Democratic politicians routinely use to mobilize their supporters.

That said, the fund-raising solicitation exposes a side of Mrs. Clinton - fiery partisan - that she has rarely displayed in the four years since she arrived in the Senate, where she has won over many Republican colleagues with a nonconfrontational and even cordial style.

In an interview, Ms. Lewis said the e-mail message was largely sent in response to published reports that Republicans are creating a political action committee seeking to raise $10 million to run a campaign against Mrs. Clinton in 2006. The committee is reportedly going to model its campaign after the one that the Swift Boat veterans used in 2004 to attack Mr. Kerry's war record, Ms. Lewis said.

Fiery partisan?

I'll say.

They're fighting back -- biker style - and they even have a logo:

Hill's Angels?

Is this some kind of April Fool's Joke?

No, seriously.

posted by Eric on 04.01.05 at 11:19 AM


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She's PARTISAN? And she's FIGHTING BACK? I'm SHOCKED! That's unheard of! Now the Republicans will have to nominate intelligent people, and America will never be the same!

Raging Bee   ·  April 1, 2005 02:08 PM

Actually, by pushing the Republicans to the right, she's the religious conservatives' dream. They want her because she shares their goal: ascendancy of the religious right within the Republican party.

Sure, they and she will appear to hate each other, but in reality a presidential victory for Hillary Clinton would be better for the religious right. (More money, a clearer enemy, and general agreement on ridding the country of libertarians, Republican moderates, and old-style small government conservatives.)

I'm not sure that "intelligent people" will be much heard from.

But speaking of intelligence, for what it's worth, I think she's the key to achieving permanent disunity and discord within the Republican Party. She may go down as one of the great political geniuses of our time. The magic of this is that most Republicans will imagine that she's uniting them -- while the divisions in the Republican ranks approach mudslide proportions....

She will win, too. (Don't worry!)

Eric Scheie   ·  April 1, 2005 02:48 PM

Actually, I think ANY Democrat winning would be "good" for the faux-Christians: they would trash the moderates for not being extreme enough, and have an enemy in power whom they could blame for everything they think is wrong with America.

Quite frankly, I don't think Hillary could win, for a variety of reasons. Then again, the next GOP nominee is bound to be better than Bush (unless they all drink the wrong Kool-Aid and go for Quayle or Keyes), and I can't think of any Democrat who would win in 2008 - assuming God doesn't destroy America with tsunamis in 2007 like some Jordanian mullah says he will. As another blogger said, the Democrats are in such a state that they could run Jed Bartlett against an empty hot-dog wrapper and still lose.

Raging Bee   ·  April 1, 2005 03:25 PM

I didn't know Hillary was even in the Navy, much less that she fought in Vietnam.

Phelps   ·  April 1, 2005 04:11 PM

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