"Add glue and find a pole!"

As regular readers know, I love guerilla and underground art.

So naturally, I was quite taken by the ObamaJoker image discussed here, that Glenn Reynolds characterized as speaking truth to power.

I really don't care who is "behind" it as it speaks for itself. (Let no one claim credit for it, and just allow it to thrive in its natural, wild, viral state.)

When I emailed the link to a friend, he exclaimed "I WANT ONE!!!" so I went to a link that Noel Sheppard cited, where it took me about three seconds to download the image --


-- which would probably print up fine in the form of a four by four color copy for those who find making guerilla art more emotionally satisfying than fantasizing about how Obama is not really the president...

I did say "Add glue and find a pole!" but I wouldn't want to be misinterpreted, because I do not advocate defacing public property or property belonging to others.

So make sure the pole is in your own back yard!

MORE: Sorry, I misspoke above. By "four by four," I meant four images, like this:


I guess you could turn the above into a four by four, but you'd really have to go forth and multiply!


Not that I'd ever advocate that.

(And not that there's anything wrong with that, of course....)

AND MORE: Can we multiply this further, and create worthless stamps so we can engage in further cut and paste antics?



MORE: By the way, I think the Obama Joker poster is real street art. More true to the original ethos of Shepard Fairey than the copyrighted corporatist art he peddles today:

Fairey defends his corporate commissions by saying that clients like Saks Fifth Avenue help him to keep his studio operational and his assistants employed.[4] Fairey has acknowledged the irony of being a street artist exploring themes of free speech while at the same time being an artist hired by corporations for consumer campaigns. Of this he has stated that designers and artists need to make money.[58] "I consider myself a populist artist," Fairey says. "I want to reach people through as many different platforms as possible. Street art is a bureaucracy-free way of reaching people, but T-shirts, stickers, commercial jobs, the Internet -- there are so many different ways that I use to put my work in front of people."
Yeah, capitalism still sucks, but we need to make money!

UPDATE: John Burgess wonders whether the USPS is still allowing people to design their own stamps.

Yes, and it's easy! Just go to stamps.com, upload the design, and you can even enter your stamp in the Smithsonian's stamp design contest!


Well, doesn't socialism belong in a museum?

posted by Eric on 08.02.09 at 02:16 PM


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That last block is actually kind of scary.

Veeshir   ·  August 2, 2009 04:31 PM

Stop giving me ideas!

Eric Scheie   ·  August 2, 2009 05:16 PM

That's even scarier.

I wonder if there's an optimum number for maximum scary.

If you do any more, I bet they look very spider-like. Like a crapload of little, creepy spider-faces.


Veeshir   ·  August 2, 2009 06:13 PM

Is the USPS still allowing people to design their own stamps?

Just wondering...

John Burgess   ·  August 2, 2009 11:13 PM

Well, doesn't socialism belong in a museum?

Never been the the Newseum, have you?(badum-chee!)

I cloned that thing to make a 2X4 of your "stamp" block.
It's not as creepy as I thought it would be.

You'll be proud of me, I got a printer for xmas a couple years ago, now I'm going to take it out of the box and install it to print some up.
For the poles in my back yard of course.

I wonder if the ink cartridge is still good.

Veeshir   ·  August 3, 2009 12:21 PM

Ooooo, the stamp thing. I use stamps.com, so I can put whatever image I want on my stamps. I am so going to use that.

Mrs. du Toit   ·  August 3, 2009 01:09 PM

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