Only bigots oppose hope and change

Jeremy Marks (a very articulate, conservative law student) identifies what he sees as the real problem for conservatives:

Conservatism's real quandary lies in the fact that it cannot be effectively communicated in a Moveon-esque, 20-second sound clip -- a medium that my Pavlovian generation flocks to without a critical thought. Liberalism is an ideology of emotion and false hope: a deadly combination. Conservatism takes some thought and deductive reasoning: a deadly knell.
Actually, I think conservatism can be effectively communicated in a Moveon-esque, 20-second sound clip.

For example, Ronald Reagan's "Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem."

It's just that no one is doing it. As Marks points out, conservatives stumble around in the face of "Obama's Houdini-like homilies" (why "hope and change" are magic words, I don't know) with "an inherently feeble conservative response."

I don't think the problem is a shortage of articulate conservatives. I think it's because of fear. Part of Barack Obama's magic is that all opposition to him is defined as bigotry. But that's only a culmination in a meme that's been polished for decades.

Conservatives are mean and bigoted, while liberals are nice.

This puts conservatives in an awkward position -- a classic case of the deer-caught-in-the-headlights syndrome. On top of that, right now conservatives are seen as having squandered years in power, and as other than trustworthy. Regardless of how true this is, it's the public perception (and it is even the way many conservatives see themselves).

Being seen as less than trustworthy while acting like a deer caught in the headlights is not a winning combination.

posted by Eric on 05.09.09 at 07:57 AM


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Liberals it seems view government as a no limit credit card, and have no concern about payment for their spending programs.
(They have always raised taxes later.)
Conservatives understand before spending that a bill will arrive.

Hugh   ·  May 9, 2009 08:23 AM

How did that meme get traction? Some of the not nicest people I know are liberals.

Brett   ·  May 9, 2009 08:36 AM

"How did that meme get traction"?

It is seen as compassionate, Brett. Not telling other people to keep their pants zipped and to resist other bad behaviors is seen as a good thing... in other words, lying to them: that they can be successful without living good, productive, responsible lives. The reality is that they're doomed to a dangerous and miserable existence (with no hope of improvement) by living on the public dole.

Somehow, telling a 14 year old girl from the projects that having a bastard child that the state will support, and will support her and any other bastard children she has, is being kind/compassionate to her.

The conservative message is that having a baby when you're 14 is a life destroyer, as it severely limits your opportunities in life, as well as that of the baby.

That's just ONE example of the "we have to support [insert group here] because they're incapable of ever supporting themselves or developing themselves to enable them to support themselves."

But conservatives are the racists. Go figure.

Mrs. du Toit   ·  May 9, 2009 09:20 AM


The problem is not 14 year olds having children. It is unmarried 14 year olds having children.

M. Simon   ·  May 9, 2009 11:48 AM

Now the problem is unmarried 28 year olds having grandchildren.

Lovernios   ·  May 9, 2009 05:20 PM

The real problem, Simon, is that men/boys who have sex with 14 year old girls are not hanged.

Yes, there was once a time when 14 year old girls got married... but that was ALSO the time when the life expectancy of women was 35. Having the functioning hardware doesn't mean we need to overload it so soon, and waiting for the software to develop is a very good thing.

Mrs. du Toit   ·  May 9, 2009 07:41 PM

Yes, I'm sure that murdering teenage boys for screwing teenage girls will solve all our problems.

Their side promises people wealth and power. Ours promises...what? To leave them alone?

I use "our side" liberally, as I suspect I'm one of the few an-caps around here. But leftists scare me more than rightists so I hang around.

Joe R.   ·  May 10, 2009 06:35 AM

The conservative message is that having a baby when you're 14 is a life destroyer, as it severely limits your opportunities in life, as well as that of the baby.

By that standard, I am a conservative. I also believe in monogamy. The problem is, many of my liberal friends also believe in these things, yet no one would call them conservatives.

The difference between me and my liberal friends is that like you Connie, I don't think "telling a 14 year old girl from the projects that having a bastard child that the state will support, and will support her and any other bastard children she has, is being kind/compassionate to her." As far as I'm concerned, if you can't raise your child without state help, you have no right to the child. Bring back orphanages for the babies, and workhouses for the mothers.

Where I tend towards liberalism in this debate is in opposing capital punishment for sex crimes. Unless the victim is dead, I would not support the death penalty.

Eric Scheie   ·  May 10, 2009 08:55 AM

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