Obama And The SEIU

An interesting Atlantic Magazine article from 17 September 2007.

WASHINGTON, D.C -- A charged-up Sen. Barack Obama begged politically active members of the Service Employees union to join his "movement" to reform the Democratic Party.

"The question I ask SEIU members is, not "Who is talking about your agenda?" but "Who can change politics in Washington to make that a reality," Obama said. "Change starts by making sure a Democrat is in the White House. Change doesn't end just because a Democrat is in the White House. It's time to turn the page on the old way of doing business."

In many ways, it was the longest sustained encapsulation of Obama's complex, primary argument that a Washington, D.C. audience has heard. It was heavy on passion and sloganeering and comparatively free of the nuance that marks that Obama's regular stump speech.

SEIU's members are temperamentally suited to Obama; he is a longtime friend of Chicago's SEIU Local 880 and worked closely with the union as an organizer and later as a state legislator.

Obama entered the ballroom to cheers, but he left to a sustained chorus of chants: "Obama!, Obama!" The SEIU president, Andy Stern, had to calm his members: ""Everybody take your seats, please. We have other candidates."

Now what are the odds that the Smartest President Ever™ had nothing to do with the corruption in Illinois that involved the SEIU?

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 12.09.08 at 02:07 PM


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In the absence of evidence, keep insinuating.

Dr. Nobel Dynamite   ·  December 9, 2008 02:19 PM

Works for me.

Connect the dots any way you like. Or not.

M. Simon   ·  December 9, 2008 02:40 PM


Which "dots" are you connecting?

Dr. Nobel Dynamite   ·  December 9, 2008 03:08 PM

Rezko - Obama - Land deals.

Obama - UChicago Hospital - Michelle's salary.

For starters.

Rezko doesn't want to do time. So he dropped the dime. Rezko and Obama were friends for 10 20 years. They are next door neighbors. The appraisal on Obama's house before he bought was funny.

Who knows what else will come up? I eagerly await further developments.

Did you hear the Smartest President Ever™ at today's news conference? He didn't sound so good. Like he was waiting for his dime to drop.

People are going to start digging and talking. Some one knows something. It will come out.

M. Simon   ·  December 9, 2008 05:55 PM

Check out how much $$ SEIU's COPE program donated to the 0 campaign,something like $90,000. The largest single contributor.
And that is not counting the 527 ads that SEIU contributed to.
Or Change to Win,also an SEIU creation.
Andy Stern knows a lot I'll bet...
I wonder who else knows a lot and doesn't want to go to jail...

flicka47   ·  December 10, 2008 03:27 AM

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