Magnetized Weather And The Lost Concensus

It looks like the Sun's magnetic field may control climate (which is average weather)and can be used to predict rainfall.

ScienceDaily (Dec. 3, 2008) -- The sun's magnetic field may have a significant impact on weather and climatic parameters in Australia and other countries in the northern and southern hemispheres. According to a study in Geographical Research, the droughts are related to the solar magnetic phases and not the greenhouse effect.

The study uses data from 1876 to the present to examine the correlation between solar cycles and the extreme rainfall in Australia.

It finds that the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) - the basic tool for forecasting variations in global and oceanic patterns - and rainfall fluctuations recorded over the last decade are similar to those in 1914 -1924.

Author Professor Robert G. V. Baker from the School of Environmental Studies, University of New England, Australia, says, "The interaction between the directionality in the Sun's and Earth's magnetic fields, the incidence of ultraviolet radiation over the tropical Pacific, and changes in sea surface temperatures with cloud cover - could all contribute to an explanation of substantial changes in the SOI from solar cycle fluctuations. If solar cycles continue to show relational values to climate patterns, there is the potential for more accurate forecasting through to 2010 and possibly beyond."

Well that will be good. Now if only we can get this new information included in the climate models and see how it affects their predictions we might begin to unravel the climate change controversy.

And speaking of the climate change controversy (What should the optimum temperature of the Earth be? I have yet to find out.) what about Climate Change Blowback?

POZNAN, Poland - The UN global warming conference currently underway in Poland is about to face a serious challenge from over 650 dissenting scientists from around the globe who are criticizing the climate claims made by the UN IPCC and former Vice President Al Gore. Set for release this week, a newly updated U.S. Senate Minority Report features the dissenting voices of over 650 international scientists, many current and former UN IPCC scientists, who have now turned against the UN. The report has added about 250 scientists (and growing) in 2008 to the over 400 scientists who spoke out in 2007. The over 650 dissenting scientists are more than 12 times the number of UN scientists (52) who authored the media hyped IPCC 2007 Summary for Policymakers.
Jeeze that is better than 10 to 1 against. Perhaps the consensus is imaginary. You have to admit it is a good talking point though. In any case science is not about consensus. It is about testing a hypothesis against facts.

It is true that things have been warming up. The question is just how much? Not much at all.

Half of the globe has warmed at least one half of one degree Fahrenheit (0.3 C) in the past 30 years, while half of that - a full quarter of the globe - warmed at least one full degree Fahrenheit (0.6 C)...

Globally, Earth's atmosphere warmed an average of about 0.4 C (or about 0.72 degrees Fahrenheit) in 30 years, according to data collected by sensors aboard NOAA and NASA satellites. More than 80 percent of the globe warmed by some amount.

A map of Earth's climate changes since December 1, 1978, (when satellite sensors started tracking the climate) doesn't show a uniform global warming. It looks more like a thermometer: Hot at the top, cold at the bottom and varying degrees of warm in the middle.

This is a pattern of warming not forecast by any of the major global climate models.

The area of fastest warming is clustered around the Northern Atlantic and Arctic oceans, stretching from Arctic Canada across Greenland to Scandinavia. The greatest warming has been on opposite ends of Greenland, where temperatures have jumped as much as 2.5 C (about 4.6 degrees F) in 30 years.

During the same time, however, much of the Antarctic has cooled, with parts of the continent cooling as much as Greenland has warmed. But areas of cooling were isolated: Only four percent of the globe cooled by at least half of one degree Fahrenheit.

'If you look at the 30-year graph of month-to-month temperature anomalies, the most obvious feature is the series of warmer than normal months that followed the major El Nino Pacific Ocean warming event of 1997-1998,' said Christy. 'Right now we are coming out of one La Nina Pacific Ocean cooling event and we might be heading into another. It should be interesting over the next several years to see whether the post La Nina climate 're-sets' to the cooler seasonal norms we saw before 1997 or the warmer levels seen since then.'

Interesting to see? I was under the impression that the science guys knew what was happening and could tell us well in advance of what to expect. Why would they have to wait and see if their predictions are any good?

I gotta tell you this climate science stuff just bring more disillusionment every day. Wait until we start spending a trillion dollars a year on this stuff. I'm going to be really disillusioned then.

And BTW could some one tell me what the global temperature ought to be and how to get it properly distributed?

H/T LarryD in an e-mail

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 12.13.08 at 01:23 AM


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It's actually hard to say if the Earth is even warming, because Hansen has been screwing with the numbers so much. Here's a weather station that shows a cooling trend until the GISS "adjustments" are applied, whereupon -- voila! We have a warming trend.

Talldave   ·  December 13, 2008 12:16 PM

What really concerns me is how easily how politicians are taken in by junk science.

Donna B.   ·  December 13, 2008 06:02 PM

Do you mean to tell me that the Sun might affect our climate?

Damn it, why are we only now hearing about this? I propose we stick Hansen and Gore in a rocket and shoot them to the Sun so they can investigate.

Skeve Stubinna   ·  December 13, 2008 07:45 PM

Call for Action// U.S. Senate and House // Validate Barack Hussein Obama's Citizenship (BRK)
Sir, I certify that I am both a citizen of these United States of America and eighteen years of age, or older. I am writing to you because I have serious concerns that are deeply troubling, regarding President Elect Barack Hussein Obama's citizenship; whereas, as a result of those concerns, I feel compelled to both request and demand for the U.S. House and Senate to act as follows. (BRK)
Barack Obama, according to attorney Philip J. Berg, may be in violation of the U.S. Constitution's natural-born clause, or have other citizenship issues, which may prevent Barack Obama from serving as President of these United States. [Reference; Berg Internet website:] (BRK)
Mr. Barack Obama's true citizenship status should be revealed by Barack Obama, who should permit Congressional access to his original birth certificate, as currently held by the State of Hawaii. (BRK)
If Barack Obama refuses to permit Congressional access to his original birth certificate, by January 06, 2009, then subsequently on that same date; Congress, acting in a scheduled joint session of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives, should and must act to protect the U.S. Constitution, against the reasonable and real potential, of serious national injury; that may occur, as a result of installing and confirming Barack Obama, as President of these United States of America. (BRK)
Due to potential Constitutional conflicts with Barack Obama's original and true birth certificate; Congress, should and must fashion or make a proper remedy for the American people, by refusing to make a counting of the electoral ballots and subsequently refusing to both certify and record the presidential election on January 06, 2009; unless and except, that Barack Obama successfully proves his necessary Constitutional birth qualifications, for serving as President of these United States of America. (BRK)
The United States House and Senate must surely face this issue regarding Barack Obama's citizenship, either now or later, because it will never be forgotten by the American People. There will never be closure on this issue, until the uncertainty about Barack Obama's birth is resolved. (BRK)
The author and Philip Berg, a Patriot, are not acquainted and he had no input whatsoever into composing this document. Moreover, I've never had any legal training; instead, I'm a concerned citizen over the possible outright failure of Congress to enforce our precious United States Constitution. (BRK)
Thank you and sincerely, A Citizen (BRK)
As general considerations, ANY fraudulent president must never be allowed to serve; whatsoever, because any laws that they sign and any appropriations of tax monies made, shall be invalid and illegal. Any commands that they give to our United States military shall also be invalid and illegal. No United States military general has any duty to respect or obey any fraudulent president, which could lead to a military coup against the United States government that might involve nuclear weapons. Moreover; if Congress knowingly confirms and installs any potentially fraudulent president, our nation may fall into anarchy, if any such fraudulent issue is later exposed and made known to all United States citizens. Whereas; even the very oath of office that is recited by any fraudulent president, to uphold and defend the laws of the United States, would be a lie coming straight from their own heart and mind. The hazards of embarking on such a road, of foolhardiness, are simply too great for both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives to permit, or be a party to. (BRK)
A good understanding of Barack Obama's citizenship can be obtained, by accessing the Internet web-site [] and listening to the video of the entire address, which was made to the National Press Club Conference on Monday, December 08, 2008. One should be sure to view the entire presentation, in order to see and hear the remarks made by Philip Berg, who has the very last part. (BRK)
Procedural Information: Electors gather to vote on the Monday after the second Wednesday in December. The two houses of Congress convene, in joint session, to count the electoral ballots on the following January 6th. Constitutional Quote: No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; .... (BRK)
What is any Patriot of these United States of America to do, regarding this issue? (BRK)
You should compose any emails to members of Congress, so that the message content expresses your own beliefs. You should not utilize any of the included ideas, if you disagree, or believe them to be improper. Moreover, you must agree that if you use any exact wording of the included ideas; you shall have adopted, accepted and endorsed those words, as your own words. (BRK)
This whole document may be transmitted by email and posted on blogs or websites; however, this entire document must remain whole and shall not be edited, modified or changed in any manner. (END OF MESSAGE)

Anonomous   ·  December 20, 2008 07:40 PM

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