2012 hindsight?

Ann Althouse notices that whether she realized it or not, Hillary Clinton was making what amount to de facto McCain commercials.

Like this:

"Senator McCain will bring a lifetime of experience to the campaign. I will bring a lifetime of experience, and Senator Obama will bring a speech that he gave in 2002."
(An antiwar speech, of course.)

Would it be conspiracy-mongering to wonder whether this was deep strategy?

UPDATE: My thanks to Glenn Reynolds for the link, and warm welcome to all.

Comments always appreciated.

UPDATE: Glenn links Ann Althouse, who offers a number of compelling reasons for Obama to offer the vice presidential nomination to Hillary Clinton, and strategically, I think this one is especially important:

McCain is ready to embrace and absorb her supporters. All those women. All those flyover state white men that you disrespected.
But would she accept? According to Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, Hillary said this:
I would be open to accepting the vice presidential slot, if that's what Sen. Obama wanted.
Does she really mean that? Even though it would kill her chances in 2012?

MORE: According to Rick Moran, there are differing interpretations of Hillary's "offer":

Earlier in the day, she allowed her staff to mention that she would accept the Vice Presidential nomination if it was offered. But there is much more to that acknowledgment than meets the eye. One school of thought holds that she would not have put her name forward so aggressively if she thought it would be refused. Another side of the coin is that she allowed her name to be mentioned because she knew Obama would never choose her.

She doesn't want to appear the supplicant begging for scraps from Obama's table. But at the same time, she doesn't want to be seen as thrusting herself forward either. It is a difficult position for her to be in, and over the next few days the two candidates and their staffs will probably feel each other out carefully, with Obama making the decision whether the "dream ticket" will become a reality.

Added to that is the ever-lurking presence of Bubba...

Read it all.

posted by Eric on 06.03.08 at 10:40 PM


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It doesn't matter anyway. On 12/21/2012 at the moment of the Winter Solstice, the world will end anyway. Personally, I'll be glad to have all of this Age of Aquarius nonsense swept away. I don't mind taking one for the team... er...

Angus Dei   ·  June 4, 2008 09:02 AM
Would it be conspiracy-mongering to wonder whether this was deep strategy?


Do you think HRC is going to be any less past her sell by date in 2012?

bandit   ·  June 4, 2008 10:35 AM

This is why an Obama/Clinton ticket would be great. I can already visualize the Meet the Press interview in my mind: "Mrs. Clinton, how can you support a Presidential candidate when you said this about him ... and how can you not support McCain when you said this about him ... and here, again, you said this about Obama ... and this about McCain ... and again ... and again ..."

I hope that someone has the good sense to find all of these clips and run them as stand-alone commercials with little or no commentary. They speak for themselves and - this one in particular - were rare moments of candid, truthful commentary by the Hildebeast.

Joseph Sixpack   ·  June 4, 2008 10:39 AM

Pretty funny J. Sixpack. You had me going there for a minute. A Dem candidate (even VP) being pushed on a tough question by the Obama suckups in the MSM. That's rich.

JorgXMcKie   ·  June 4, 2008 10:47 AM

How interesting---Obama takes Hillary the Trojan Horse as his chosen VP and he runs the high risk of her sabotaging his campaign so she can run against McCain in 2012, or, he can reject her and alienate her supporters in the 2008 election and stand an excellent chance of losing. Its a loss/loss situation for Obama and a win/win situation for Clinton.

Oh well, evil is as evil schemes.

tcobb   ·  June 4, 2008 11:51 AM

Can I start putting out information that Hillary should be on McCain's ticket? She has something like $30M-$60M available for the general election and I highly doubt McCain is going to pick a conservative VP anyway.

Why not?

Fred '12!

Sac   ·  June 4, 2008 12:24 PM

Barry will never, ever pick Hillary for VP.

You all forget he's a Chicago politician. One rule of Chicago politics from the first Daley is:

"Don't back no losers."

Hillary is, by definition, a loser. She's a loser, why would he want to be associated with a loser, who's also totally foreign to his message of "change" (by which he means running backwards to sunshiney 1968).

David   ·  June 4, 2008 12:47 PM

If Obama takes Hillary on as VP he will need a food taster. And if he doesn't ask her to be his VP Hillary will be Carrie at the prom.

I gotta get some popcorn. This is going to be fun to watch.

Dan From Detroit   ·  June 4, 2008 02:15 PM

If Barack selects Hillary, he'll have the shortest presidency in history:
09:00 Barack completes swearing in
09:01 Barak assassinated
09:01:01 Hillary overcomes her incredible grief and accepts the presidency, appointing Chelsea as VP

Anonymous   ·  June 4, 2008 06:59 PM

On the plus side of 2012, HRC could want to be the new President in the next Ba'k'tun. Even the Mayans had prophecies for *after* the change-over, and HRC wants to be there to set up the new age!

ajacksonian   ·  June 4, 2008 07:54 PM

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