Two Losers

Do you remember when Henry Kissinger said about the Iran-Iraq War "Too bad they both can't lose"? Well talk like that about Hillary and Obama is now entering the main stream press. Not that they actualy want them both to lose but, disaster is staring them in the face.

When they face off Wednesday night in their Pennsylvania debate, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama will be fighting each other for the Keystone State's 158 delegates. But they'll also be fighting a common foe: A growing belief that neither can win the general election in November.

It's a problem Clinton has had all along, and Obama, despite being the front-runner, is now proving he belongs in the same soup.

Clinton started with half of America's voters saying they would never support her for President, and the number hasn't budged. Against Republican John McCain, she would have to win virtually every voter who hasn't already decided against her.

Obama is closing in on her dubious distinction. His slam against small-town Americans, saying they "cling to guns and religion" out of bitterness over the economy, is certain to cost him in Pennsylvania among the white working-class voters he had trouble attracting in other states.

The Keystone Cops of Politics in the Keystone State. Perfect.

I have been saying for a while that Barry and Hillary are ruining the brand. It appears I have an echo chamber that is returning my shout louder than I screamed it. Wooo. Hooo.

I'm beginning to wonder just how bad this could get? We haven't even seen the convention demonstrations or anything of that sort. They will not start until 22 August. That is four months of hammering away at each other. Even if The super delegates decide after the last primary in early June, that is still almost a month and a half more of banging. Plus, if the Dems come to a decision in June that allows the disaffected voters a couple of months to get on the McCain bandwagon or develop a write in campaign for the general election and then two more months after that until the vote. Talk about being on the horns of a dilemma and having no good options. It has got to really suck to be a Democrat operative. The pain must be intense.

Just six months ago I was writing off Republican chances in '08. Heh. Who ever thought up the idea of running Obama against Clinton was a genius. A total genius. The Republicans should give him a Medal without respect to party affiliation. Who ever did it deserves it.

Class warfare, racism, sexism, and identity politics all unraveling. God I love the Democrat party.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 04.17.08 at 06:35 AM


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Bush has trashed the Republican brand so badly that only the Bitter Bumpkin Brigade plus the folks making a buck off Iraq will be voting for Grandpa McCain.

Bob Dole II.

alphie   ·  April 17, 2008 08:49 AM

I predicted that McCain would get clubbed like a baby seal, no matter who the Democrats nominated. Now the Dems are trying to make me look stupid. Why? Because they can.

physics geek   ·  April 17, 2008 09:05 AM

Operation Chaos rolls on.

dre   ·  April 17, 2008 06:19 PM

Simon, I have shared your optimism about the outcome of this next election once we knew it would be Obama (and running mate) or Clinton (and running mate). Those choices were more than I personally dared to dream of for the 2008 election. Where we differ is that I have c a u t i o u s optimism. Campaigns are ALL about timing, and tickets have TWO names.

Penny   ·  April 17, 2008 07:56 PM


The second name doesn't carry as much weight.

How much did Edwards help Kerry?

Look at it this way. Obama has to find a guy willing to take the fall with him. Who is he going to get.

The crazies are planning riots for the D and R conventions. I don't think that will help.

Recreate '68 indeed.

M. Simon   ·  April 17, 2008 10:00 PM

I'm with physics geek. I thought that the election was over when McCain clinched the nomination. Now, it looks like he can't lose. On the other hand, where I once thought that McCain was the biggest fascist in the race, I now see that he only first among equals.

Phelps   ·  April 18, 2008 12:33 PM


We get the government we deserve.

I hope to get the best of a bad lot. Of course that could be subjective.

M. Simon   ·  April 19, 2008 03:30 PM

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