How to (finally) get the conservatives back on board


The McCain-Clinton 2008 Unity Ticket:

Don't Intrade's numbers suggest a winning strategy for McCain and Clinton is to do a unity ticket together? I know this must have been suggested before (probably on NRO), but Intrade's making me think it's a good strategy for them. McCain will win the Republican nomination (94.1), but Intrade suggests he won't win the Presidency (33.3). He has little base inside his party and even what base he has is unexcited. He can only win with independent and Democratic support, and they already have the "real deal" in Obama. Clinton won't win the Democratic nomination (25.6) and probably can't win the Presidency (17.3). But Clinton could agree to be McCain's VP nominee and, um, offer to heal the country together. McCain could even agree to serve just one term (excepting "emergencies" of course). McCain would need to turn his back on his party, but that's nothing new....
(Via Glenn Reynolds.)

What's not listed as a factor is the most telling one. All those conservatives who have vowed to vote for Hillary instead of McCain! (I've called them the Coulter-Clinton-Buchanan axis, and Lord knows how many more there are now.) As they're already on board with Hillary, it should be an easy task for her to bring them back where they belong.

After all, haven't we've all heard that it would take Hillary Clinton to united the Republican Party?

MORE: Speaking of uh-ohs, I just thought of something. What about an Obama-Huckabee counter-unity Ticket? (They already have a lot in common, and the strange bedfellows meme is spreading this season.)

posted by Eric on 03.04.08 at 07:23 PM


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Actually, all the conservative Hillary votes are votes against McCain, so I think that is a major flaw. People who absolutely won't vote for McCain would unite with people who absolutely won't vote for Clinton and... uh... not vote.

We really should have a minimum threshold for an electoral quorum. If they can't meet that voter threshold, then we send everything back to the primaries and every tries again.

Phelps   ·  March 4, 2008 08:38 PM

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