We Need Complistic Solutions

Instapundit has a bit up on the decline of the two party system. He has a look at the book Declaring Independence. So I thought I'd visit the Amazon page and figure out what is going on.

Here is a bit from the blurb:

America is at a political crossroads. We are growing alienated from the two major parties, which are dominated by ideologues and offer simplistic solutions,...
I have yet to find the average American interested in complistic solutions. Where I come from that is known as wonkery. It is not popular. Except among wonks.

I'm with the simplistic guys myself. I'm from the Leave Us Alone party.

Cross Posted at Power and Control

posted by Simon on 02.06.08 at 01:30 PM


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Count me in with the simplistic solution: "That government is best which governs least."

Brett   ·  February 6, 2008 01:48 PM

Leave Us Alone party? LUA...Not a good choice,in my humble opinion. I grew up in Hawaii and in that language "lua" usually means bathroom, for example, "I'm going to the lua."
GAFM(Get Away From Me)or GOOMS(Get Out Of My Sight) might be better choices.

dbjack46   ·  February 6, 2008 03:21 PM

Actually that was one of the major factions pulled into the R party during the '70s and it has not only seen its issues unaddressed... but the party go and do just the opposite of what it had promised to do. It is that faction which is now splitting from the party and it holds a core section of beliefs that date back to the founding and the principles of having a limited federal government.

It is that part of the party that that remembers the warnings during the 1787-89 period and now see those who were dubbed Anti-Federalist correctly predicted the problems of ill-made National government. The strange thing is after 30 years they *still* hold those basic values and *still* wonder if there is any party that will address them. The R party is self-destructing by having those in this faction only addressed as an 'afterthought' by those running in the nomination cycle. Their bargain with the party was to get their views addressed and not only has it not happened, but they have had their vote taken for granted for years and now the party thinks they will take *anything* it hands them.

Just like the D party did with the Jacksonians.

Witness the 20% drop in turnout for elections within the next two decades of doing that.

This time around we will have great and good luck to have a 50% turnout... unless a charismatic leader can stampede people to a 'white knight' sort of solution of personality... and that has tended towards autocracy and dictatorship whenever a democracy tries it. It is *change* and a *solution*! For the worse.

ajacksonian   ·  February 7, 2008 01:16 PM

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