Hillary is not a socialist!

Oh yes. And Media Matters is "not political." (Only a supporter of the "RIGHT WING RADICAL AGENDA" would differ with these truths.)

I wish more political analysts were willing to state the obvious as Deroy Murdock has.

Clinton is a hardened socialist, despite the mainstream media's efforts to portray her as a "centrist" merely because she is not as over-a-cliff-left as Michael Moore or MoveOn.org's patron, George Soros. Worse, her ethical corner-cutting routinely attracts dodgy, cash-rich rogues like recently captured fugitive fund-raiser Norman Hsu.
Had Glenn Reynolds not linked the piece, I doubt I'd have seen it (although I suppose there's a slight possibility of it appearing in the Philadelphia Inquirer.) Seriously, though, if it weren't for the occasional writer like Murdock, who but a few bloggers would remind people of what Hillary said not that long ago? Again, Murdock:
"We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good," she told San Franciscans in June 2004. As first lady, she said: "We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society."
Of course, Glenn Reynolds mentioned the "common good" remark at the time, and I chimed in, but I worry that even the collective memory of the blogosphere might not be a match for the collective amnesia of the MSM.

Of course, there's still plenty of time to debate the details of socialized medicine. And the idea of handing out $5000 for every baby that's born...

Hillary, however, will spin these things as common sense and will simply deny being a socialist. She'd probably like to deny her advocacy of Internet gatekeeping too, but the collective memory won't go away. Here's Rebecca Eisenberg, writing in the San Francisco Chronicle in 1998:

Because the very same Internet that is broadcasting the White House Millennium Evenings was also responsible for breaking the White House sex scandal, the reporters asked the First Lady if she had rethought the critical remarks she made about the Net's ability to spread "lies."

"We are all going to have to rethink how we deal with this," she answered, "because there are always competing values. There's no free decision that I'm aware of anywhere in life, and certainly with technology that's the case."

Although technology's new developments are "exciting," Hillary continued, "There are a number of serious issues without any kind of editing function or gatekeeping function. What does it mean to have the right to defend your reputation, or to respond to what someone says?"

Hillary doesn't get it. The greatest value of the Internet is the way it provides an easy means of defending your reputation and responding to what someone says.

Competing "values"? Um, yes, there are. Does Hillary Clinton have something against competition, or does she think the government needs to control the playing field?

It may be asking too much, but I wish the Republicans would have the balls to go on record as being for capitalism and for the free market, and actually dare to declare themselves unalterably opposed to the socialism of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party.

That way, the election might be spun as a choice between socialism and capitalism (instead of socialism dressed up as welfare nanny statism versus "big government conservatism" or socialism lite.)

I'll say this for Hillary. She may be a socialist, but at least she's figured out how to make her gatekeeper program work. The ingenious new program is not called the "gatekeeping function," but is described as "barely veiled transaction of editorial leverage for access."

A nice way to avoid embarrassing questions. But since when was Hillary Clinton elected gatekeeper?

MORE: Considering her success at being the nation's first unelected gatekeeper, it wouldn't surprise me if Hillary figures out a way to deliver on her promised talk radio "fix" without the need for any legislation! (Not As If Media Matters....)

posted by Eric on 10.06.07 at 10:10 AM


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Hillary most assuredly is not a socialist.

She is a Leninist in socialist garb, plain and simple!

Keep up the good work over here.

Snooper   ·  October 7, 2007 05:10 AM

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