Coco and the little green donut ball

The activities I am about to describe may seem repetitive and illogical to some. But I hope it will be borne in mind that Coco is a dog, and it really isn't fair to hold her to the standards of most of the people who read this blog.

Coco has an absolutely infuriating toy, which looks like a tennis ball morphed into a tire-shaped object by students of topology. When I throw it, it has a way of rolling, and driving her crazy. This gives her endless pleasure:


And she can't get enough of it; she's always ready for more:


But it does get a little boring for me just throwing it and having her bring it back for me to throw again when I want to be allowed to enjoy the beach a little. Eventually, I thought it might be time for both of us to give it a little rest. So I saw a handy dead tree, and I thought that if I just put the awful green thing on one of the limbs, it could stay there for awhile.

Initially, Coco tried the approach of logical evaluation. At least, it seemed that way:


But alas! Instead of removing it as you or I would, simply by lifting it in an upwards direction till it cleared the limb, Coco attempted to do what most of us would consider impossible -- trying to pull the thing as if she thought that if she pulled hard enough, the tree would break or something.


No such luck! No matter how much pulling she did, all that would happen is that the green ring would stretch and flex a little (just enough to infuriate and thus encourage her, I'm afraid).

And no matter which direction she pulled, Coco could not budge it:


The stubborn tree held it fast, no matter what Coco did. Nothing worked. Not even making a cute expression, and not even looking directly into the camera:


I soon tired of the tree-tugging activity too, as I realized that the toy would not hold up. Eventually, she would have severely torn it so that it would have been unable to float.

And we can't have that, can we?


posted by Eric on 09.22.07 at 11:08 PM


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Beautiful dog!

jan   ·  September 23, 2007 12:09 AM

Our little Cairn Terrier has a donut like that. "Getcherdonut!" sends her into a swirling, darting, panting frenzy as she searches high and low ... well, mostly low.

This is her second donut. It was a sad day indeed when the first one somehow formed a hole exactly where she'd been mauling it.

Socrates   ·  September 23, 2007 12:35 AM

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