The right to be an unfit parent?

A friend emailed me a link to this YouTube video, and I'm not sure how seriously to take it. I don't watch much television, and I have never seen the Maury Povich Show, but I just found myself wondering whether this girl and her mother aren't both putting on an act to get attention. (Trash talking slut-girl who "just wants to have a baby" versus her "horrified" mom.)

While I'm treating it as comedy, is it possible that these people are for real? Posts like this (about how the Povich show removes all doubts that there are pockets of "festering human debris") make me suspect that Povich's guests are carefully selected human freaks, if not actually fraudulent.

But if the two in this video are real, their performance constitutes either an extreme example of the worst parenting imaginable, or (if they typify any communities today) a good argument for handing all control over the schools to religious conservatives. Whether the girl belongs in a convent or a mental hospital, I'm not sure. If she and her mom really are like that, neither should be allowed to operate heavy machinery, drive, vote, or have children.

Seriously, I don't think either one is fit to be a parent, and should the girl get her wishes, I'd like to think that the purpose of Child Protective Services would be to take the baby away.

(It's probably just as well that I don't watch television. If this is what's on I'm not missing much.)

UPDATE (08/17/07): Aaron Hanscom tackles the subject of bad parenting in two great Pajamnas Media posts -- one about the effects of single-parent households, and another about "hyper-parenting" and hyper kids.

UPDATE (08/18/07): Glenn Reynolds links a Times article about children running their own town as part of a reality show, and High Desert Wanderer asks a question which I think applies to the mother of the "monster daughter" here:

Who allows their children to participate in something like this?
(There's an interesting discussion of parental responsibility in the comments too.)

While I don't know the facts, the girl in the video appears mentally disturbed to me, and if she is, what kind of mother would put her on national television? (Legally, she had to have parental consent.) Of course, she may not be mentally disturbed. But either way, why put her on? If it isn't a case of bad parenting, I don't know what is. (Good acting strikes me as the only other possibility.)

posted by Eric on 08.15.07 at 11:13 PM


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You know, when foreigners complain about the crap we transmit around the world on satellite TV, they're not entirely mistaken.

Because they lack context, you just know they're going to assume that this is somehow normal for the US. Like 'Dallas' or 'Flamingo Road' are just so representative.

John Burgess   ·  August 15, 2007 11:26 PM


Being the Nazi that I am, I actually think eugenics could be a good thing. (Quick! Someone file a lawsuit with the ACLU!)

As Scott Adams of Dilbert has said, it's easier to have a child than it is to apply for a pet license, driving license or gun license. It's a basic right to have children. No intelligence, ethics or financial-capability test is required.

But having kids is arguably the biggest responsibility - Parents are affecting their own lives, bringing a new life into their sphere of influence, and adding another headcount to the national economy/welfare/public support/voting system.

It's a Marching Morons dilemma that it is magnitudes easier to have a quickie than it is to raise a balanced, responsible, societally-contributing individual. Heck, even operating a condom isn't as easy apparently, or abortion clinics would have far less business!

Scott   ·  August 16, 2007 12:26 AM

Uh, given our evolutionary history, age 15 is about when women started having babies. For a long time 16 was the age of consent for marriage. In some places it was 14.

There is culture. There is genes. Sometimes the match up is not so good.

People will do stupid things. You will be asked for a "donation". Life is so unfair.

BTW the rich are starting to have more children. It is a status thing.

M. Simon   ·  August 16, 2007 05:09 AM

The question stands ... what is more likely to kill: A gun, a car or a poorly parented young adult.

You get 1 guess.

mdmhvonpa   ·  August 16, 2007 09:10 AM

Rich parents can raise equally dysfunctional brats. I'm not sure money has much to do with the quality of parenting -- other than the ability to buy kids their way out of problems.

Anyway, I think I'll continue my head-in-the-sand approach to TV, and tell myself that people "just aren't like that."

The paradox, of course, is that the West is being outbred!

So, if this girl produced a baby, I guess I'd let her give birth, then take it away from her. (She already said she'd sell the baby, which indicates she's unfit to be a mom, and plenty of people are standing in line to adopt.)

Bear in mind that unfit dog owners lose their dogs, and are not allowed to adopt more. Shouldn't we treat human babies as humanely as we treat dogs?

Eric Scheie   ·  August 16, 2007 09:33 AM

Dysfunctional parenting produces some of our best artists.

Sad but true facts of life.

BTW we have managed to survive for millions of years without laws about who can procreate.

Of course there is always the Chinese model.

Dysfunction is the price of liberty.

M. Simon   ·  August 16, 2007 12:23 PM

The right to procreate is not the same thing as the right to raise a child, though.

How far do parental rights go? Do parents have the right to rent out their kids by the hour for sex?

Or is there no such thing as an unfit parent?

Eric Scheie   ·  August 16, 2007 12:58 PM

I'm ashamed of all of you, who seem rather smug in your parenting abilities and in your right to decide for others how they should do it.

Procreating is an inalienable right. Raising children as you see fit is also an inalienable right. We have ceded to the Nanny State that beating and other kinds of poor parenting are grounds for removal, but the level at which removal is triggered seems to be creeping.

How soon before teaching a child to swear or telling them dirty jokes is such a crime? Will making them work for less than the minimum wage be deemed abuse? How about forcing them to get a haircut -- or not forcing them to get a haircut?

This may seem like slippery-slope straw-manning, and I guess it is.

But keep in mind that showmen like Jerry Springer and Maury Povich carefully select and manipulate their gullible guests, then edit the final product to achieve the desired amount of sleaze and shock. Their goal is to make the goofs in the audience (i.e, us) know that somewhere, someone is a bigger goof than they are.

Loren Heal   ·  August 16, 2007 02:06 PM

Loren, I'm against Nanny Statism for adults. But children and animals can't take care of themselves, and if adults who are charged with taking care of them don't, then they shouldn't have them. That's just what I think, and I'm not ashamed to think it.

(Of course, perhaps the age of majority should be lowered to 14 or 15.)

Eric Scheie   ·  August 16, 2007 07:43 PM

It should be required that you serve a leutenancy and a captaincy in order to qualify for a majority.

triticale   ·  August 16, 2007 09:47 PM

BTW we have managed to survive for millions of years without laws about who can procreate. - Eric

True, but until the advent of civilization, with its caring about the less fortunate and welfare state etc, poor parenting and general stupidity usually led to you not passing on your genes and your personal lifestyle habits.

Scott   ·  August 17, 2007 03:11 AM

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