Doin' the Lambert walk

Not everybody's name gets to be a verb, but some such enverbed names are better known than others. As Glenn Reynolds (whose blog name is itself much enverbed) noted in remarking the Lamberting of James Taranto, Tim Lambert is one of those guys whose name has become a verb. This is an honor he shares with Robert Bork, although Bork had his name enverbed for what was done unto him, whereas Lambert became a verb by doing unto others.

If Lambert links you critically, you're described as having been "Lamberted" -- described as "the object of a tirade by Australian blogger Tim Lambert."

I guess that makes me a slight variation on this theme, because Lambert said this about me almost four years ago (when I was just a little bitty blogger):

Eric Scheie argues that statistics about guns and crime "have no bearing on basic constitutional rights". I'm afraid that all the pro-gun folks who have based arguments on Lott's statistics would seem to disagree with him.
So there I was, "Lamberted" (on September 11, 2003, no less!) and not having any idea of what a prestigious honor it was! They hadn't come up with the expression "Lamberted" in those days, or I'd have certainly made note of what has to be considered, in retrospect, an early accomplishment of sorts.

As I was wrestling over whether I could truly claim to be a member of the exalted ranks of the Lamberted, having only learned about the term years later, I found new cause to doubt the integrity of the honor, because the original Lamberting link no longer works! This worried me, because if the link is gone, that might mean that I had been delamberted! A grim fate, if for no other reason than there's no such word.

I would have probably given up on the search for my missing Lamberted link, but for the fortuitous fact that not long after he Lamberted me, Lambert went out of his way to Lambert Jeff Soyer, my blogfather! And the link which Lamberted Jeff goes to another link at Lambert's newer archives, where finally, after a little more homework, I found the link which Lamberted me! (Yay!)

What a relief! I can think of few things more undelightful than to be delamberted!

UPDATE: I inadvertently borked poor Judge Bork to death in the worst way possible (and I was "Tarantoed" in the comments below for my careless error).

Judge Bork is not "late," as he's very much alive!

I stand corrected.

UPDATE (08/14/07): After reading what commenter S. Weasel said, I deleted the words "the late" in front of Bork's name. Normally I let errors stand and correct them in updates, but matters involving human mortality would seem to militate in favor of a different policy.

UPDATE: It took a bit of research, but in response to Dean Esmay's comment below, the answer is a resounding yes!

Dean Esmay, you were Lamberted! (For daring to characterize the British prosecution and sentencing of Tony Martin as "bloody well insane.")

posted by Eric on 08.13.07 at 04:15 PM


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When did Bork die?

James Taranto   ·  August 13, 2007 04:39 PM

Whoops, my error. Thanks for pointing it out!

Eric Scheie   ·  August 13, 2007 05:38 PM

Who is Tim Lambert? I read lots of blogs, and four newspapers a day, and I never heard of him. Sounds like I'm not missing much.

DBL   ·  August 13, 2007 09:44 PM

I find myself wondering if I've been Lamberted. It seems inevitable, since I've been blasted by just about every other angry lefty (and not a few angry righties). I find the whole thing exhausting myself...

Dean Esmay   ·  August 14, 2007 10:18 AM

Whew! I was going to finish the article and then run off to Google to find out what happened to poor, hapless Robert Bork.

S. Weasel   ·  August 14, 2007 01:57 PM

Thanks for that last comment. I decided to go back and delete the words "the late" in front of Bork's name.

Eric Scheie   ·  August 14, 2007 02:46 PM

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