Who will promise to imprison the largest number of women for abortion?

According to Newsmax.com, Fred Thompson's abortion record is being scrutinized:

Combing through Thompson's archive, Newsweek found several files on his campaign strategy on abortion that could roil his 2008 bid. On a 1994 Eagle Forum survey, Thompson said he opposed criminalizing abortion. Two years later, on a Christian Coalition questionnaire, he checked "opposed" to a proposed constitutional amendment protecting the sanctity of human life. In a campaign policy statement filed in the archives, he also said he believes "the decision to have an early term abortion is a moral issue and should not be a legal one subject to the dictates of the government." During an interview with the Conservative Spectator, a Tennessee newspaper, he claimed to be pro-life but also said that, "The ultimate decision on abortion should be left with the woman and not the government."
The Tennessean has more, and while Thompson's statements to various organizations and media outlets have varied over the years, his overall voting record indicates he's philosophically opposed to abortion. (A federalist, he thinks Roe v. Wade was wrong, and voted repeatedly to ban partial birth abortion.)

But I guess to certain ideologues, you have to want to put women in prison or else you'll be labeled "pro abortion."

Voters who think abortion should always be illegal (I assume that means they want to put women in prison, but I can't be sure that they've all thought it through) were 16% of the 2004 electorate, and 12% of Bush's voters. I think if they compare Thompson's record to Clinton's or Obama's, they'll vote for Thompson if he's the candidate in the general election.

I don't know where people get the idea that the president can do much about abortion one way or another, but it certainly fuels a lot of passion.

posted by Eric on 06.18.07 at 06:56 PM


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I consider myself to be pretty anti-abortion. If I thought it would help, I would support putting women who get abortions in jail, right alonside their doctors (but I don't think it would help and so oppose it on tactical grounds).

But because I recognize SOME of the usual exceptions (rape and life of mother, but not necessarily incest), I am usually counted as pro-abortion. Makes no sense to me, but that's the way it is.

tim maguire   ·  June 19, 2007 12:56 PM

I don't necessarily want to put women in prison, but prison is where we put those who murder others, whether they're women or not. Are you implying that you don't think we should put murderers in prison?

John S.   ·  June 19, 2007 07:32 PM

Murder is the malicious and unlawful killing of one human being by another. What is a human being? The answer may be clear to you, but not everyone sees it the same way. IMO, a human being has human attributes, especially a brain. I don't think a fertilized egg is any more a human being than a seed is a tree.

Before Roe v. Wade, the individual states determined when and whether terminating a fetus's life was illegal, but it was not treated as murder.

Eric Scheie   ·  June 19, 2007 07:54 PM

I understand your position... my comment was phrased that way in part because I believed your remark about wanting to put women in prison oversimplifies the objections of most of the anti-abortion crowd. Although there are admittedly some who seek political power and even profit from the abortion issue, the vast majority of us who oppose abortion do so out of a genuine, principled belief in the humanity of the fetus. I probably resorted to snarkiness reflexively, out of the habit of having to constantly defend my motives to people who automatically assumed the worst about my views. Sorry!

John S.   ·  June 20, 2007 12:15 AM

By the way, I would like to cordially contest your analogy with the seed/tree. It is true that a seed is not a tree. However if "seed" is analogous to "fetus", then "tree" is not analogous to "human, but rather to "adult". "Human" would be more analogous to, say, "redwood". Just as the seed and the tree, although they look different, are both truly redwoods, both the fetus and the adult are still truly human.

John S.   ·  June 20, 2007 12:24 AM

Thanks, and I see your point, but I don't think a fertilized egg is a fetus. It's like a seed, and like a seed it can have an awfully long shelf life unless and until it is implanted. Many of the hundreds of thousand eggs in labs are now voting age if they're people.

I'll never be able to conceptualize of an egg as a human being, and I don't think most people will. (Sure, it's human, but it could become two or more humans, or none.)

A fertility specialist told me that about half of all fertilized eggs don't make it to the implantation stage. If they all had souls, then according to a certain cruel logic that would make Nature the biggest abortionist of them all. (I'm skeptical that a soul can exist in the absence of a brain, as I think brainless = soulless.)

Is cracking open a fertile egg the same thing as killing a chicken? I don't think so. They are different things.

Eric Scheie   ·  June 20, 2007 06:45 PM

Suicide's illegal. Yet strangely, we don't put people in prison for it. Instead, we prevent them from committing suicide and give them counseling. If they insist on trying to hurt themselves, we put them in a mental health facility until the urge passes, and teach them how not to get so desperate.

Since it's pretty clear that many women abort out of coercion by their boyfriends or parents, a nice safe shelter is pretty much what they need. For many others, it does seem to be purposefully hurting themselves. So again, the mental health method seems to be the best model. For those few for whom it's a real economic problem, a facility to feed and house them, provide pre-natal care, and assist them in finding adoptive parents for the child, would seem to be a good idea.

Fortunately, pro-life groups have made out-patient pregnancy centers and counselors pretty common in the US. They are ready to help women who are ready to accept help.

Maureen   ·  June 22, 2007 07:36 AM

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