Big Red Letter Day

I guess it's time for the big debate round-up ...

But you won't find it here (try Instapundit, where Glenn Reynolds blogged along through the night). Quickly, Bush's brightest moment was something like a sparkler on the Fourth of July. He mentioned the Oil for Food scandal very briefly--in connection with Saddam Hussein's efforts to bribe his way out of sanctions toward renewing weapons programs--and never went back to it, as often as the opportunity presented itself.

He should have said something like this:

Although everybody's talking about weapons of mass destruction, the story that's not being reported --you'd almost think the press "wants Kerry to win"-- is the complete collapse of John Kerry's foreign policy case, and the reason for that collapse.

And as often as Kerry hammered away at the notion that Bush gave massive tax cuts to the rich, Bush missed opportunities to counter that all taxes were lowered and that the rich are actually responsible for a larger percentage of the tax burden than they were before the cuts. He did get points though for his remarks on spending bills and discretionary funds.

It's not that it was all bad, but it should have been a decisive victory. The ammunition was there.

But something much more important happened today: the Boston Red Sox swept the Anaheim Angels to move on to the ALCS.

And if you don't care about that you're un-American!

Speaking of which ... I'm suddenly reminded of one of Kerry's most puzzling statements of the night. He said that it seemed the President was living in a world of fantasy, and that was alright if you were a Red Sox fan, but not if you were the President.

Now what was that supposed to mean, and how will it play in Red Sox nation, which happens to have its base in his home state?

posted by Dennis on 10.08.04 at 11:41 PM


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Interesting that you were (somewhat) disappointed. From the left, I think that Bush won this one hands down. I also don't think that is the whole story, but -- as objective as I can make it here -- he took home the prize.

bink   ·  October 9, 2004 02:29 AM

I agree that Bush won it hands down. Although I didn't watch the last half hour, because I had to wake up at 4:00 a.m. Just getting caught up now, and I'm glad to see this post -- and your comment, Bink.

Eric Scheie   ·  October 9, 2004 07:14 AM

I still love that diversity flag of yours, the Stars and Bars juxtaposed with the Rainbow.

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