Unstung dreaming

Last night I was dreaming about a dying scorpion (it looked almost dead, droopy, shedding, peeling) with which I was forced to deal. I just wanted it to go away, and all I had was my old rusty but trusty kitchen knife. While I could have just chopped off its stinger and let it die, I was very surprised by its speed and determination to sting me even though you'd think it would have had better things to do. Not at all clear how it was resolved. (It wasn't.)

I'm skeptical about dream interpretation, especially on the Internet, but I thought I'd give it a go. Maybe some readers can supplement the interpretations and save me a bundle with free therapy.

I'll start with the "Mystic Advisor":

dream interpretation
Dreaming about a scorpion may be symbolic of something in your environment which is hurtful, dangerous, and "stinging." It may represent bitter words and very negative attitudes. Superstition based dream interpretation books say that a scorpion may constitute a warning. It further states that if the scorpion in your dream bit you, you will overcome your problems. However, if you killed the scorpion, be exceptionally careful around people that are not your friends, or are false friends. Some believe that the scorpion is a symbol of transformation.
It didn't "bite" me. Frankly, I was more worried about being stung.

Here's a similar interpretation:

may be symbolic of something in your environment which is hurtful, dangerous and "stinging"; may represent bitter words and very negative attitudes; may be a dream of warning; if the scorpion in your dream bit you, you will overcome your problems; if you killed the scorpion, be exceptionally careful around people that are not your friends, or are false friends.

This site, on the other hand, suggests that the scorpion might represent not others, but me:

Scorpion - Poisonous thinking. Maybe a symbol of an idea that is dangerous, or that you have made some comment that is stinging and hurtful.

More here:

Needing to be wary of something, bearing in mind that there’s a sting in the tail
A situation that could inflict physical or emotional pain on you

Then there's the knife. The fact that I was armed with my most trusted kitchen knife must mean something. From the same dream site:

Creating something new either through carving it from scratch or by cutting away unwanted parts
Feeling betrayed or knifed
Wanting to harm others, knife them
Being knifed may represent self-inflicted injury
Something achieved comfortably or with ease, like a knife through butter
In the dream, it would have almost been too easy to kill the scorpion, which was already dying and decrepit, and for which I felt a little sorry. I was surprised, though, but its utter ferocity. For some reason, the emotional part of me did not want to do the physically easy thing, and just whack off its stinger to make it harmless. Instead, I almost seemed to be playing with the angry scorpion, which I kept trying to lift up and balance it on the knife while it did its damnedest to writhe and jump and sting me.

There's a lot there, but I ought to cut the Freudian/Jungian crap and get to work!

posted by Eric on 09.13.05 at 09:02 AM


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Maybe, just maybe ('cause, after all, what do I know?), the scorpion represents Classical Values. A venomous arthropod, scurrying out from its dark lair, pinching and biting those that annoy you, stinging those that REALLY annoy you, with your very appearance engendering fear, loathing, or (dare I say it?) respect for your blogging prowess!

Then, as you are overtaken with age and wisdom, you consider toning it down a bit, a la 'cutting off the stinger'.

Naaaah. Won't happen.

Greg   ·  September 15, 2005 03:28 PM

Gee, I never thought of that...

Classical Values has turned into a decrepit scorpion? And I am at war with it?

I must be crazier than I thought!

Eric Scheie   ·  September 16, 2005 11:18 AM


TEM   ·  September 16, 2005 02:12 PM

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